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James walked down to the kitchen, delighted to see that Mummy had made pasta. It was one of James's favourites. It tasted nice, was a predictable food and even the texture of it wasn't weird. The first few minutes of dinner went by in awkward silence, as James awaited another lecture from Mummy or some type of telling off. "Apa megint elutazott?" (Is Father on a business trip again?) James asked, breaking the silence. "Igen, most éppen Bostonban van. Három nap múlva jön haza." (Yes, he's in Boston as of now. He'll be back in a 3 days) Mummy answered. She didn't seem angry, but then again James wasn't the best judge at that to say the least. "Miért nem szóltatok előbb?" (Why didn't you tell me earlier?) James asked, he wasn't too upset because of this. Father was gone more often than not, but James liked to know when things happened ahead of time so he had time to prepare for them. "Nem voltunk benne bisztosak hogy, mikor megy el pontosan." (We weren't sure when he'd leave.) Mummy explained. James nodded. "Akkor is szólhatatok volna." (Still could've told me.) He murmured. Mummy sighed. "Jamie tudod hogy, én és Richard sokat probálkozunk, de nem minding sikerül." (Jamie, you know me and Richard try where hard. Sometimes we make mistakes.) Mummy said, clearly not satisfied with James. "Tudom." (I know.) James wanted to argue that he should've been warned but Evangeline has taught him last lesson about how he wasn't supposed to argue when he saw that the other person was distressed. With the lesson freshly stuck in his mind, James held back the argument. "Elnézést kérek a maiért." (I apologise for today.) James spoke up after a small silence settled in. "El van nézve." (Your apology is accepted.) Mummy answered. James sighed in relief. He expected another lecture, but it was obviously not coming.

James walked up the stairs to his room, relieved about today. It didn't turn out so bad after all. He made a new friend, Mummy wasn't mad and he could stay up later because Father wasn't home. James closed the door of his room and lied down on his bed. James was absorbed in his thoughts as he stared at the ceiling, when his phone's small buzz knocked him out of it. He looked in the direction of his phone and rolled his eyes. He had just gotten to an interesting part of his mind but now he was knocked out of it. James rolled out of bed and checked his phone.

Did u die?

James smiled as he opened the texting app and started typing back. He quite liked texting now that Senan was around.

No. Or I think so.

James sent the text and eagerly awaited the answer. He saw the little dots in the bubble indicating that Senan was typing, and to say he was anxious would be an understatement.

Nah, ur alive m8. Unless I can text in to heaven.

Why heaven? How do you know I would go there?

Cuz u an angel.

James bit his lip, was Senan... flirting? James saw people flirt on telly and this was one line that was often used. But James wasn't sure if Senan meant it like that.

I maybe on the side of the angels but don't think for a second that I am one of them.

James  quoted Sherlock BBC, he quoted movies or telly shows when he didn't know how to respond. With the knowledge that other people knew what to say, James burrowed their words. After all he could quote a movie almost entirely after watching it. That was one of the reason's why he loved watching movies so much, he could come up with appropriate responses and he just generally enjoyed them.

Ooooh, quoting Sherlock. Classy.

You watch Sherlock?

Stupid, of course he does! James thought and mentally face-palmed.

Yup, quite obsessed if I might say.

I watched every episode 10 times.

James didn't intend to send that. But he pressed the 'send' button instead of the backspace. Now Senan will think that he's a weirdo with no life.

Obsessed is the new sexy. ;-)

James flushed, yup Senan was definitely flirting with him.

Yes, obviously.


Sorry, I'll shut up. 

James smiled at the texts, he was very much liking Senan.

No, it's... fine.

Anyway, what you up to?

James wanted to say 'talking with you' but he felt like that wasn't the appropriate thing to answer as it was obvious.

Not much.  Just staring at the ceiling.

Is it entertaining?

Yes, very. It isn't like I memorized the pattern of dust by now.

Haha, sounds very fun.

That was sarcasm, right?


James felt triumphant, he guessed the use of words! He usually didn't recognise them in text.

Well, I gtg now.

Mum wants me to do chores.

Have fun.

XD, will do.

James set aside his phone and grinned at his ceiling. He finally made a friend! He'd tell all about it to Evangeline and she'd be proud. Or at least he hoped so.

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