Chapter Eight

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A/N: Hey Guys! You have my chapter of this collab today so I hope you enjoy it. I think we all need to thank Mocha for editing this for me once again. I don't know how she has the patience to read my unedited writing xP

So, enjoy!


Cry’s P.O.V

My eyes fell onto the table across the room and my ears picked up the laughter from my group of friends who all huddled together. Ken was leaned so far back it seemed like he might crash to the floor, his unshaven face breaking out into a bright grin as he slammed a hand down onto Pewds’ shoulder, whose face was the picture of surprise and gratitude, although I don’t know whether that was because of the hand on his shoulder, or because Scott and Russ were actually being nice to him. Both of them were going in with the laughter, even sharing an odd joke with the blonde Swede who had won us the last activity of the week.

I felt my insides burn, as if someone had set fire to my gut, my lungs. Latte sat far too close to Pewds and it was impossible for me to deny that it was the source of my sudden ignition. I could see from here that their arms brushed each time they grabbed food off their plates, each time they reached for their drink. Every smile they shared, every glance, it caused me to stop dead in my tracks, left stunned that it was having such an odd effect on me.

I thought my disliking towards Pewds was fading but perhaps it wasn’t. Maybe this fire inside of me was the result of hatred. And seeing one of my friends being so close to him was fuelling it, making me feel sick, putting me off my food. Yeah...that must be it.

Forcing my feet to start moving, I made my way towards them and ignored the spot Russ had saved for me. Instead, I came up behind Latte and Pewds.

“Excuse me,” I muttered, watching as they both turned to look at me. They shared a quick glance before Pewds quickly slide further towards Ken, leaving me space to slip between them and drop my tray onto the table.

Russ sent me an odd look from across the table, but I ignored it and started picking at the fried chicken which lay on my plate. It had looked nice when I got it but I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. I drowned out the conversation around me, focusing on letting my stomach settle, and it was surprisingly easy now that I formed a barrier between Pewds and Latte. Yet, I was still troubled. Surely I’d been uncomfortable sitting next to someone I hated, but I was actually beginning to feel better now.

If I glanced down, I could see Pewds’ legs disappear under the table, one of his hands gripping the bench he sat on, revealing a nervousness that was hidden from everyone else but obvious to me as I watched his knuckles turn white.


The loud voice caught my attention, making me look up quickly to find Red leaning over the table and staring at me, somehow managing to catch my gaze which was hidden behind my mask. She had a knack for that.


“Eat your dinner, you little punk,” she ordered with a smirk. A smile crept onto my lips and I shook my head at her, half annoyed and half grateful for her worry. As ordered, I reached for a piece of chicken and pushed my mask up a little.

The chatter started up again, but dulled down when Rhys entered the cafeteria, Tristan’s clipboard in his hands as he waited for us to quiet down. Tristan followed behind him and gave us all a large smile.

“It’s time to see which group has won this week’s free-time!” Tristan called. I rolled my eyes and dropped the chicken I’d been nibbling. Despite our victory this afternoon, it was clear that we weren’t winning this. It was obvious...yet my friends still sat up taller and listened carefully, unlike the usual messing around they’d do when a counsellor would speak.

PewDieCry: A Summer Best Forgotten (Collab with Mocha)Where stories live. Discover now