Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Hey Guys! Here's the new chapter of SBF, written by me but wonderfully edited by Mocha. I hope you're all giving her love for the creation of this story too. She deserves every praise she gets, and a million times more! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! =D 

Cry's P.O.V

The steady flow of pointless conversations and half-assed jokes floated around the cafeteria. Everyone seemed to be getting bored already, even after only one day of cancelled activities. Honestly, there was only so much someone could find to do when they're trapped in a cabin, but I quite enjoyed yesterday. It was nice; not having to watch our back constantly was something we quickly got used to, and I wouldn't be all that bothered if we were told to stay cooped up in our cabins again today.

Yesterday hadn't been all that bad at all. My prank had been a great success...My eyes flickered over to Pewds and I watched as he raised his brows and chuckled at something Russ was saying. I guess I should say that our prank was a success. Although it was completely my idea, he did help. I was beginning to think he'd make a pretty good accomplice when it came to practical jokes, and seeing the look on his face last night had been priceless. That deep-seated delight that shone in his eyes when he heard the yelling from inside the cabin, that look of pure satisfaction when he witnessed justice being served, it was enough to make me want to do more comical things to annoy the other team. I mean, he never had that look when I'd beaten someone up for him. It seemed that it was only when the justice was something funny, when it was something that wouldn't actually hurt anyone.

Pewds somehow caught me eyes, shooting me a quick, sweet smile before looking down nervously.

I stabbed my fork into the bacon on my plate, looked at it carefully but settled it back down on my plate. My stomach was suddenly doing summersaults.

"What do you think, Cry? Do you think we're going to have trouble today?" Ken asked from beside me, nudging my shoulder lightly to get my attention.


"We shouldn't. The other team has no idea who played that prank on them," Pewds shot in from my other side and gave me a hopeful smile when I turned to him. "And if they try anything...we'll just fill their shower block with dirt or something," he added with a shrug.

I laughed at the thought, imagining their faces when they found mounds of wet dirt in the sinks and shower cubicles.

"So what? Does this mean you guys are going to stop picking fights with everyone?" Red asked and pushed her empty plate away so she could fold her arms upon the table.

"Hey! We don't pick fights with anyone. They start shit with us," Scott corrected her, making her role her eyes.

"You know what I mean."

She turned to look at me and I shrugged in response, but as I shrugged, Pewds sat back and clapped his hands together. "That's a great idea" he sang.

"Look what you've done now," I sighed, glad that no one could see the smile on my lips.

"No, Cry, listen," Pewds began, quickly sitting up and grabbing onto my arm. "Instead of just hitting people, we should wait and get our revenge some other way. Just think of how much fun we can have."

His hands tightened around my upper arm, sending a chill through me as I stared down at eyes that seemed to occupy some hidden promise. I searched for what he could possibly be insinuating behind his words but found nothing, just a hope that the pointless fighting would come to an end. And I had a sudden urge to wrap an arm around him and promise him that I'd never throw another punch.

PewDieCry: A Summer Best Forgotten (Collab with Mocha)Where stories live. Discover now