Chapter Twenty Three

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Hey Guys! We're back with another chapter of SBF. Mocha wrote this one for you all today. Despite how busy she's been moving to University she still found time to write this lovely chapter for us all so I think she deserves all the thanks we can give her! Again, thanks for being so patient. I don't think there was a single comment on the last chapter pushing us to update and that really does mean a lot to us both. So, thank you! =D 

Cry’s POV:

“Cry, we are not kicking Dillan out of camp,” Rhys stated one more time before I slammed my hands onto his desk. I’ve had enough of this bullshit.

“Why the fuck not?” I demanded. I wanted to grab the man by his shirt under the military coat. “How can a son of a bitch like him stay when he’s been doing nothing but trying to kill my team?”

Rhys’ cold gaze met mine. He didn’t even flinch from my burst of anger.

“Cry, sit down on the chair. I not going to answer you properly if you’re going to be spitting at my face like this.”

“I’ll spit at your face if you keep giving me bullshit answers,” I snapped back then he stood up and I immediately felt regretful.

“Sit. The fuck. Down.” He hissed and I looked up at him. He knew how pissed I was behind my mask. “And we’ll talk. I don’t care if you’ll be satisfied after this but we’re going to settle this without any fist fight. You and I both know how it will end up if that starts up here, right?”

I gritted my teeth. My body felt as if it was on fire, not because I was love struck or embarrassed, I was beyond the level of pissed. Every ounce of my body itched to punch his fucking face, punch Dillan’s fucking face, to punch anything. It was only me and Rhys so the only person who can stop this rage was Rhys himself.

“You remember what happened last time,” he added and I growled.

When I came in here I wanted to know one thing; the reason why Dillan had an invincibility ticket whenever it came to the staff. He has been punished for his crimes which was a beating to his face and body, but that was only from my team. Rhys has been doing nothing, or at the least I haven’t seen anything happen to the other team. They haven’t been fucking washing the dishes or cleaning the floors or doing shit!

Rhys pointed at my chair, ordering me once again to have a seat. I sighed deeply then pulled up the chair and sat down. There was no point in me getting pummelled by Rhys. It happened once in my previous years and I’m not planning to let it happening again. Rhys let out a long breath then sat down, rubbing his temples.

“Why?” I asked through clenched teeth.

Rhys took a bit before he answered me. “Dillan is…there isn’t a word to describe him really. He’s been in this camp as long as you have, longer even. He’s been here since the camp was first created and hell, I don’t think he’s ever changed much since I first met him.”

“Your point?”

“Can you think of a reason why he’s been at this camp every year?” Rhys narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t want any rhymes and puzzles; I want and answer,” I stated, about to get out of my chair and give him a good punch in his face because I didn’t give a damn fuck anymore.

“Dillan’s parents are the one who made this place.” I froze and my eyes widened.


“That is all. Leave.” He ordered then pointed to the door.

“What? You bastard! That doesn’t –“

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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