Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Hey Guys! Here's another chapter written by the lovely, beautiful, and wonderful Mocha. And to those asking if this fanfic it over: No, it's not. When this ends I'll say in the A/N and it'll be obvious that it's over. Don't worry! Now, sit down and enjoy! =D 

Cry’s POV:

“Cry, over here, I’m open!” Pewds shouted.

My gaze flickered over to my beloved blonde and I passed the basketball over to him. Pewds was quickly able to trick his way past Gabe and was about to take a shot but Latte was already in front of him, blocking the ball from getting anywhere near the hoop.

“Aww come on, that’s not fair,” Pewds laughed. “Your tallness is like a handicap.”

“Well, he’s the one with the broken arm,” Gabe pointed out smirking and wiping the sweat dripping down his face. “I think you two are more at an advantage.”

I pushed up my mask, it was way too hot to keep this on from all the running I had done. Latte looked tired as well, all he did was run and block since he only had the use of one arm. Today was basically another free day before our final activity tomorrow, everyone else was relaxing by the lake while Pewds, Latte, Gabe and I decided to have a little go at basketball. The poor brunette didn’t get a chance to play because of his team after all. I was a little sceptical to allow Latte playing with the broken arm though.

The taller man insisted, stating that it’ll be a nice bonding moment between all four of us. Gabe and Pewds gently pushed each other after commenting on each other’s mistake and I smiled a little. Latte was right when he said we would all bond in some way. It was only a shame that Gabe wasn’t on our team. We could’ve had more fun with this guy around.

A soft breeze danced around us, gently easing the temperature from the blazing sunlight. I could see Pewds embracing the wind with open arms, his blonde locks fluttering while his eyes shut. My lips stretched to a smirk, admiring how his face lit up as he smiled as he did a little ballerina spin to make us all laugh.

“You’re in a happy mood,” Gabe commented.

“It’s just nice to be able to relax,” he replied.

“We’ve had relaxing activities throughout this whole week,” Gabe smirked.

Pewds’ eyes flickered over to me, a warm emotion glowing within those blue eyes. “It’s just been a really good week.”

I found myself smiling back at him, our gazes locking. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Gabe and Latte nodded their heads. They knew what we meant and I was sure as hell that they also agreed.

We then went for another round of basketball, me and Pewds vs. Gabe and Latte, it was almost like a double date in our eyes.

As the time went on, the score stayed as a tie. Whenever Pewds and I scored a point, they scored back just as quickly. Sweat was pouring down our body like a waterfall but we all had a smile on our face while I passed the ball to Pewds. The blonde was marked by Latte this time, making me a little worried. The height advantage had been catching Pewds off guard despite Latte’s injury. The blonde crossed over, surprisingly passing Latte before rushing up to the basket. The smaller boy jumped, swishing the ball right through the ring and cheering happily when he scored.

“Woohoo!” he threw his fist to the air and did a little dance.

Latte looked over his shoulder; Shocked melted into acceptance. “I told you I’m not handicapped by height.”

PewDieCry: A Summer Best Forgotten (Collab with Mocha)Where stories live. Discover now