Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Hey Guys! Here's Mocha's chapter of our collaberation. I'm sure you'll all love it. And don't forget to go and check her out if you haven't already. 

Pewds’ POV:

I held the digital camera in my hand, excitement coursing through me as I thought of what various memories I could keep. My bags were held close to me in case someone else decided to steal them from me. As I had promised Cry, I stopped ‘clinging’ onto Latte…I think, well I wasn’t sure what it was that he called clinging. Ken was beside me this time while Latte was walking beside Cry, they weren’t talking at all and I frowned a little, unsure of why I had to do this. I was just worried about him, that was all; the other team broke his arm just because they lost. The thought of that made my fists clench and my eyes narrow, those bastards did whatever they can to hurt others, what the hell was with them? Ken looked at the fancy bag and whistled.

“I think you should go back to the cabin and put that back, not all people here are as nice as Cry,” he whispered.

“Yeah, you’re right, but I want to do the phone call first,” I replied then looked at him. “Mind coming with me?”

Ken blinked in surprise. “Sure but, I thought you were going to ask Latte.”

“He has a broken arm, I don’t want to bother him,” I frowned, not wanting to mention my deal with Cry. It wasn’t a lie that I didn’t want to trouble my best friend either.

“Fair enough,” Ken smiled. “Let’s go eat dinner.”

I nodded my head and followed the man into the cafeteria. As always, the wooden lounge would be packed with hungry animals, waiting impatiently in line to get their food. Ken and I grabbed our plates then I glanced over at Cry who was fixing his mask and making conversations with my tall friend. Disappointment flooded over me, I kind of expected him to talk to me more now that our friendship was starting to blossom. Then again, he still hated me for accidentally knocking him to the floor during the hike. I quickly collected my food then followed Ken towards our usual spot where Russ and Red were already sitting and eating.

“Hey, lovebirds,” Ken greeted, taking a seat beside them. “Where’s Scott?”

“He’s in the bathroom,” Russ replied. “Where’s Cry?”

“Still on the line with Latte,” I replied and sat beside Ken.

“Really? I thought Latte would be with you since you’ve been clinging onto him like a–“ Russ flinched when Red gently shoved his side. “What? What did I do?”

“Come on, we need to stop with all the lovey-dovey teasing,” Red sighed. “If the two want to be together, there’s nothing wrong with that. We don’t need to make them feel uncomfortable.”

Russ pouted a little but muttered an agreement and went back to eating. I smiled with gratitude to the strong red-headed girl, the whole Pewds-and-Latte-being-a-couple thing was starting to irritate me. Just what did we do that made it seem like it? I was cut off from my thoughts when Cry took a seat beside me and set Latte’s drink down while my friend carefully set himself down on his seat, making sure his broken arm didn’t hit anything. We all ate quietly, sometimes we made conversations about whether we were going to use the phone time or not.

“Hey, Pewds, are you going to call home?” Russ asked, looking at me.

“Yeah,” my voice was muffled through a mouthful of food.

Everyone frowned at my answer, probably assuming that I was going to call home to beg my parents to come pick me up. I finished chewing my food then wiped my lips with my hand.

PewDieCry: A Summer Best Forgotten (Collab with Mocha)Where stories live. Discover now