Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Hey Guys! I hope you've all been doing well. I have my chapter of SBF here for you today, but it wouldn't be complete without Mocha's wonderful editing skills, so don't forget to show her some love too! I hope you all enjoy! =)


Cry's P.O.V

 My eyes seemed frozen on the page in front of me, my fingers trapping each page between them as I flipped through the pictures I'd already looked at a hundred times. A smile had settled across my lips over the past few minutes and my legs dangled down from the branch I was perched on.

It had been a long boring day with Rhys, Tristan and Flora busy deciding what to do about the number of injuries that were happening this year. They'd even postponed announcing the winners of this week. It was supposed to be last night after basketball, but it had been moved to tonight considering Latte's injuries and the clear problems that keep coming up. The weekly phone calls home were moved too.

I turned over another page, revealing a picture that I think has become one of my favourites in this photo album. It was of Pewds. He was sitting on the floor laughing, covered in mud as a fallen bicycle lay beside him. It wasn't hard to believe that he'd the type to fall of bicycles, or anything for that matter. He was clumsy.


I jumped, nearly tumbling to the ground below me, but I managed to grab onto the tree trunk, steadying myself. The photo album was quickly shoved into his luggage bag which sat here with me, hidden behind the leaves and branches at the top of this tree.

"What are you doing up there?" Ken called when he found me.

"Nothing really."

He stopped at the foot of the tree and looked up, covering his eyes with his hand as he squinted against the harsh sunlight. It was hot today, too hot for me to wear the hoodie I usually wore so I was left, feeling uncomfortable, in a t-shirt.

"Rhys is gathering us all. He has some sort of surprise for us," he shrugged and stepped back as I began to climb down.

My feet hit the ground and I brushed the loose bits of bark from my trousers. I'd been hoping to have a little more time on my own. With everything going on between us and that asshole of a team, it was nice to have some time away from everyone, especially when it seemed to be all my friends who wanted to talk about it. They haven't been able to go a few minutes without bringing up how bullshit this whole thing was.

I just couldn’t believe how Rhys, Tristan and Flora managed to miss everything the other team did. How was that even possible? Yesterday was ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! And now Latte had a broken arm and I had to suffer watching Pewds nursing him all day, never leaving his side, constantly pestering him over how he's feeling and asking him if he needs anything.

"Is everything alright, Cry," Ken asked, pulling me from my thoughts. It was probably best I left my thoughts anyway; they were just making me mad.

PewDieCry: A Summer Best Forgotten (Collab with Mocha)Where stories live. Discover now