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It was already long past midnight as the GOT7 members finally got back to their dorm. They were exhausted and tired, but every single one of them was also very happy. Seeing their fans sing with them, cheer for them, supporting them and, to be honest, just because they were there made them even happier than they could have ever imagined to be before their debut. Jaebum knew their fans were the reason why his fellow members kept on working so hard, even though their bodies were so terribly sore from all the exhaustion. Sometimes one member would go on stage even though he's sick and every mother would have kept him imprisoned in bed. Jinyoung, GOT7's 'mother', tried it several times, but the members and even Jinyoung himself couldn't stop from seeing their fans' smiles. It was like an addiction and they indeed felt way better as soon as they got onto the stage, no matter how miserable they had felt before.

When the van stopped in front of their dorm, Jaebum was worried. How was he supposed to get 6 fully grown, sleeping and exhausted men into the dorm? He would have to carry them one after another, but after one or two members he would break down. He's just human too, not iron man or something similar to that guy. His body was also sore just like the bodies of the other members, but well, he was the leader. He had to get them into the dorm somehow, but when he looked in his members' faces one by one, he really thought about just letting them sleep in the van. However, a van just couldn't be compared to a comfortable bed and the members had to take a shower as well. They were smelly.

He had to wake them up, there was no other way. After Jaebum managed to get them into the dorm one member after another took a quick shower and all of them vanished into their rooms afterwards. Jaebum was the last one to take a shower. He wasn't surprised that the water wouldn't get hot anymore. Yugyeom had fallen asleep in the shower before and only woke up as the water had turned a lot colder. Due to that he had apologized to Jaebum about a hundred times. Jaebum had just smiled at him and told him to finally go to bed.

After the, not really relaxing, shower Jaebum was staring into his reflection in the mirror. He was thinking about their performances. They had to perform at a big concert, so that meant that they also had to do some fanservice. Well, it's not something he would be too worried about, just causing the fans to be happy and scream for more. Skinship and interactions by their fans' favorite couples would do all the work. It was funny and cute, but at some point it also made him feel a little angry. Not at the fans of course, but at Jackson. 'Ah.. whatever, I should go to bed now too.' he thought as he let out a sigh, while he was actually happy that the next day would be their day off. Finally, they really needed some rest.

Jackson was already dressed in his pajamas as he was gazing down at his Hyung, Mark, who was already somewhere lost in dreamland. Fuck, he was tired too, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't fall asleep. It was frustrating, so damn frustrating. Their stages had been awesome. Their dances had been on point. He was exhausted and he should fall asleep happily, but why the hell was he still awake? Well, he knew why, but wouldn't allow himself to think about it. Okay, he had to think about it in order to get some sleep, otherwise he would be awake all night. But he knew, if he would think about it, he would cry again, he would be hurt again. 'God damn, I hate this!' he cursed in his mind. 'Stupid leader, stupid Jaebum!' he thought as he heard noises coming from the kitchen.

'Someone is still awake? What the..' Jackson thought as he shot up from his lying position. He slowly stood up and left his and Mark's room. He then headed towards the kitchen and kept himself hidden in the darkness of the night. When he saw Jaebum sitting by the kitchen table, writing down notes in his book, which he carried with him everywhere he went, he slightly jumped, obviously surprised.

"Hyung? Why are you still awake?" he asked the elder.

"I could ask you the same, you should be sleeping by now!" Jaebum looked up at Jackson with a questioning face. Jaebum wasn't surprised that Jackson didn't scare the fuck out of him by suddenly talking while he barely could be seen. He simply knew every time Jackson was near him. He felt it. He felt him. Jackson.

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