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One after another the members woke up and went towards the kitchen. First things first, breakfast, or lunch.. whatever! As long as it's food, it doesn't matter what it's called! Well, at least for four of them. Jinyoung was far too worried about Jackson, he couldn't think about food. He would hiss at the other boys every time they were being too loud. Jaebum watched Jinyoung caring for Jackson like a mother. It was cute how Jinyoung kept Jackson's blanket in place and how he would stroke trough Jackson's hair, caressing it, every time Jackson would almost wake up due to the noise the other members caused.

After a while Jaebum couldn't take it any longer. He was angry at the four boys for making so much noise and their not-caring about Jackson. He was even angry at Jinyoung. No, he wasn't just angry, he was angry and jealous. Why was Jinyoung always the one who's allowed to take care of Jackson? Jaebum went over to Jackson and Jinyoung, took Jackson in his arms bridal style and carried him to his and Mark's room. Jinyoung, not knowing what just happened, followed the older. "What the hell are you doing!? You're going to wake him up!" Jinyoung complained quietly, looking at Jaebum's direction.
"With those four dickheads making so much noise, he would wake up out there anyways! At least I can try to take him to his bed without waking him up!" Jaebum answered.
"Yeah. You're right, I'm sorry."
"It's okay Jinyoung. Just take care of him, ill you?"
"What a stupid question! I'm the only one who always cares anyways." Jinyoung said, sounding like a mother watching over her child.

After eating a little, Jaebum went out of the dorm alone. He needed some fresh air. It's already October so it's not that warm anymore. He needed time alone. He needed to think about everything, literally everything. There was so much going on. They had two comebacks in a very short period of time. The members were exhausted from all the performances they had to do, all the shows they had to be on. Normally they all lived together in harmony, but he could feel that everyone became more tense and a little bit more annoyed by the others with every day that passed. They loved each other. All of them were best friends, but even best friends need their time apart. So Jaebum was happy that they all had today, a day off from all their duties.

They should have been in a show today, but it was cancelled because of another group, which should have been in the show too, but couldn't take part because there were some strange things going on between the members. Nobody really understood that reason, but Jaebum couldn't care less.

He walked through a park, he liked being outside. As long as nobody recognizes him, he would have his peace. He sat down somewhere on a bench and started to write some lyrics in his little book that he carried with him everywhere he went. The one book, which contains all his secrets in the form of lyrics.

Chaos ruled all over the dorm. BamBam was laying on the floor reading, hundreds of Mangas around him. Yugyoem was sitting somewhere in the middle of the living room, playing games on their Playstation. Yungjae was sitting at the kitchen table, eating, making a mess all over him, the table and the floor. Mark was putting the wet, freshly cleaned clothes on drying racks all over the dorm. And finally Jinyoung, who was wandering around the dorm in cycles, was stopping every 5 minutes at Jackson's door, just to check if he's still sleeping.

After another 2 hours Jackson finally woke up, he sat up and took a look around the room. 'What the.. how did I get in here?' he thought while standing up and putting on some other clothes. When he left the room he found himself in a tight embrace by Jinyoung.
"Ji-Jinyoung? What are you doing!?" He started, but soon he felt suffocated by the tight hug his hyung was embracing him in. "Aaaah! Air! I need air!" Jackson complained, laughing. The others laughed with Jackson, but Jinyoung didn't feel like laughing.
"Young man! You slept on the couch again!" He sounded pretty serious, but then his facial expressions changed to a caring one. "How did you sleep? I hope we didn't wake you up!" Jinyoung asked.
"No. No, I just wonder how I got into my bed? I can't remember going back into our room."Jackson stated. The others could see that he was confused.
"Well, that's because Jaebum took you to bed before he left the dorm." Mark said from the other side of the room, giving Jackson a meaningful glance. Jackson sighed.

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