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"Go to bed now Jackson!"

"Tomorrow is our day off! There's no problem if I stay awake!" Jackson replied, blowing his cheeks. Jaebum chuckled quietly.
"Says the one who fell asleep in the van first." Jaebum answered with a little smile. Jackson was glad he stood in the darkness right now, otherwise the older would have been able to see him blushing just because his stupid hyung has the most perfect smile Jackson has ever seen.
"Be quiet! You're the leader. You should be an example to us, so why the hell are you still awake? And don't tell me you want to keep us save from the monsters that are hiding under our beds and in our closets." Jackson said far too serious than he had intended to. Jaebum could barely stop himself from laughing out loud.
"Jackson, your such an idiot. But, remember? I'm older than you, so go to bed now. I order you to do so." Jackson's mouth tilted open.
"W-What? You order me? What am I? Your servant?? And the fuck, I'm not an idiot!" Jackson replied, a little, well, very loud.
"Keep it down. You're gonna wake the others, if you keep on being so loud, you idiot."Jaebum hissed in response.
"Ah! Just shut the fuck up! You know nothing."
"I know nothing about what?" Jaebum asked as he was looking at Jackson.
"About.. ah, whatever! None of your business anyway. Just go to sleep!" Jackson hurried to reply before he walked off towards his room. 'Stupid Jaebum! Stupid, stupid, stupid Hyung!' Jackson thought while closing the door.

Mark scared the fuck out of Jackson as he started talking when Jackson entered the room.
"What the hell was that? Are you guys serious?"
"I'm sorry, Hyung. Our leader was just acting like an ass again." Jackson explained as he lay down in his bed. Mark lay down in his own again, cuddling himself into his blankets.
"Why don't you just tell him?" Mark asked with a sleepy voice.
"I can't, he wouldn't understand. Apparently nobody does." Jackson answered, looking towards Mark, who already fell asleep again. Jackson sighed once more, knowing this would be a long night for him, filled with various thoughts about their leader. He fell in love with their leader the first time they met. Back then they hadn't been able to communicate with each other at all, Jackson not knowing how to talk in Korean and Jaebum not knowing how to talk well in English. However, they did understand each other with their body language and their gestures. Yeah body, Jaebum's body is a good thing to start crying over.

Jaebum watched Jackson as he kinda run away from their little controversy. Jaebum felt himself starting to smirk as he remembered Jackson's confused face. However, the younger was right. He should go to sleep as well as the others had. Hopefully he wouldn't wake them or more like, hopefully Jackson wouldn't wake them.

The next day the first one who woke up was Jinyoung. He stretched his still tired libms in his bed and then looked at the clock.
"Wow, almost already midday." Jinyoung mumbled quietly. He stood up, took some fresh clothes out of his drawer and walked towards the bathroom. He stopped in the hallway just to find Jackson resting on the couch. Jackson always slept on the couch when he couldn't sleep at night. Jackson would always be worried that he might wake up Mark. Jinyoung went over to Jackson, putting the blanket over Jackson's body again in order to make Jackson feel warm again. And then he saw it, again, as always. Jackson had been crying again during the night. Jinyoung could always tell since Jackson's eyes would be swollen and he got dark circles. This time there was also a teardrop left on his left cheek. Jinyoung wiped it away carefully, but he didn't understand why Jackson cried every time he couldn't sleep. To be honest, it happend more often throughout the last few weeks. Jinyoung wasn't sure if Jackson cried because he actually couldn't sleep or if he missed his parents, or anything else. Well, how was he supposed to know? Every time he would ask Jackson, the other would just answer that he wasn't able to remember the reason or that he must have had a bad dream when he had been finally able to fall asleep. Well, stupid stuff like that. Jinyoung knew Jackson was lying to him, but what should he do? More than just telling him that it's okay? Jinyoung wishes Jackson would talk to him. He's very worried about his friend. However, he wouldn't force the other to talk to him.

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