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It took Jaebum a while to get to the right address, but it wasn't a big problem after all. He looked around the area but couldn't find anybody, so he went into the building. It was a high apartment building. Luckily the girl also told him which floor he had to get to and even the number of the apartment.

Jaebum took the elevator to the 12th floor. As he went out of it he was already able to hear a girl's laughter. Afterwards he noticed Jackson's voice, he loved the melodic sound of it. He followed the voice until he came to a deflection. He turned left and there he was, Jackson, a few meters between them. He looked at Jackson, who's neck got kissed by that one girl. As Jackson turned his head lightly to the right he saw Jaebum, looking at him very, very angry and with something else that Jaebum couldn't decipher. He froze under Jaebum's gaze and right at that moment he knew his little game was over. The only question now left was: How would Jaebum react? To be honest, Jackson was scared to his bones of Jaebum's reaction. He kept looking at Jaebum's face as the older walked towards them and forgot about the girl completely.

Jaebum came closer to them. He shoved the girl away from Jackson as soon as he reached them.
"Get lost, now!" He told the girl. He noticed that she wanted to protest but he wouldn't let her and just looked at her with a gaze that would tell everybody that he always got what he wanted and to back off if you wanna live any longer. The girl immediately left them alone, not even looking at Jackson or questioning what just happened between them.

As soon as she was gone and nowhere to be seen, Jaebum finally looked Jackson in the eyes.
"So you think this is funny, huh?" Jaebum asked with a voice that didn't show any emotions.
"Hyung, I'm not-" Jackson started, but was cut off by his leader.
"Just be quiet!" Jaebum ordered. Jaebum leaned forward towards Jackson, he put his hands right and left next to Jackson's head against the wall. He looked at Jackson's face but after some seconds he fixated his gaze on Jackson's eyes. "Do you think I'm dumb enough to not get what game you were playing? Do you really think you get anything from this show?" He asked, again with no emotions in his voice.
"I-I- hyung, I wanted to be with that girl!"
"Damn Jackson, do you really think I'm that stupid? That I'm not able to see right through whatever you're doing?" Jaebum asked, now with an angry voice. Jackson didn't know what or how to answer, normally he's the cool one but every time he was with Jaebum he felt like a little girl, facing her first love.

They stood there for a while. Jaebum kept staring into Jackson's eyes, he waited for an answer.
"What are you thinking about?" Jackson finally asked him.
"I know that you're in love with me. For a while now. Do you think I don't notice your gazes towards me every time I don't look at you? Or do you think I'm so stupid that I wouldn't know that you're crying at night because of me?" Jaebum asked. Jackson was looking at Jaebum as if he had seen a ghost. Jackson didn't know what to do or what to say, he just kept looking at Jaebum's face and after a while Jackson remembered he was staring at Jaebum's lips. Jaebum knew what the younger was staring at. Jaebum really got tired of that stupid game Jackson seemed to like. He leand forward to Jackson, who was frozen, and just kissed him on his lips. It took Jackson a while before he knew what was going on. Jackson started to return the kiss. They stood there kissing each other for a while. There was nothing hot about it, just showing each other that there were feelings for the other one. Jaebum stopped after several minutes. "Now you know about me. I'm sorry, but this was the end." Jaebum stated.
"The end of what?" Jackson asked, obviously confused.

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