13- Fallen Again?

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After eating and telling a few jokes with Sans. Paps got ready quickly saying that he had royal guard training. He didn't seem to need anymore training to you, cause he almost killed you... but.

Past in the past... right?

You cleaned while Sans was asleep on the couch. You decide you want to finally clean yourself up. You looked down at your worn and ripped clothes. You left Sans a quick note saying you went out for clothing and you'll be back. You walked out the door and almost changed your mind from the chill but continued anyway.
"Do you know this place Flowey?"
Flowey was in your hands getting as much heat as he could.
"Yeah, this is Snowdin. If your looking for clothes there is a shop ahead...but be careful." You walked in slowly and saw a cat-like monster with a evil smirk but welcome you all the same. You looked around and found a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt that was (2nd/F/C), and a simple hoodie that was (F/C). You took it to the corner and the cat-like lady gave you a creepy look and told you the total 45G. You opened your bag and realized your money from the surface turn in to gold coins. You brushed it off and gave her the right amount. Your curiosity got the best of you.
"Um, I was wondering... why are you so friendly to a human like me?"
She giggled, "Money is money hun~" You smiled at her words.

I rather her be greedy then blood thirsty.

You waved bye and headed back to the Sans and Paps house. On the way you talk to Flowey. "See that wasn't bad, we didn't have to fight anyone."
Flowey sighed, "Not this time, (Y/N) but we'll meet a lot more monsters like the two skeletons. Not all friendly, and your kindness is freaken me out. I'm afraid that your kindness will not but enough and you'll..." Flowey cut his sentence short, you know what he was going to say.


You smile at Flowey, "Don't worry, I just need to try harder everything will be fine!" Flowey was comforted by your words but you could still see the fear in his eyes. You were only steps away from the door when you saw Sans standing at the door looking around fanatically.
"Sans! What's wrong?" You called out as you walked up to him. When he heard your voice he walked fast up to you.

Oh, no. He seems mad did I do something wrong?

Sans grabbed your shirt, examined you and pushed you on the ground/snow. His eye was glowing red again.
"Are you mad?! What if a monster killed you?! Did you even think about that?!"

He is worried?

You started laughing. San seemed to grow angrier at your reaction.
"Come on Sans! I'm fine, were you bonely~?." Sans seemed to calm a little, he still looked mad but his eye stopped glowing. "I'm sorry, don't let it get under your skin~." Sans didn't want to, but was grinning. You picked yourself off the ground. "I'm sorry I made you worry but I'm okay the monster here seem a little too into themselves to harm me."
Sans sighed, "Just don't do that again." He said in a low growl. You nodded and you both headed back to his house.

~Time Skip~

Sans POV

(Y/N) is off taking a shower, in the bathroom that I kept forgetting we have, and is taking a long time. How long do humans normal shower? Maybe I should check on her...

I got up and went up to the bathroom door as soon I was about to knock (Y/N) opened the door and she looked sexy just in a towel. "I-i left my clothes by the couch." She looked away blushing.

Oh, she almost makes it too easy.

I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. "My my~ what an interesting fashion choice." I looked into her (E/C) eyes and saw she was in stock, I smiled at her as she held on tight to her towel. A drop of water fell from her (H/C) hair leading down into between her breast.

God, I was to busy trying to mess with her I never realized how f*cken hot she is.

"No-not my decision, I rather wear my clothes." She stuttered as she looked down, she was incredibly red.

Damn-it, looked at me.

I grab her face so she is looking right at me. I leaned in closer to her face with my own and-



Normal POV
You used this chance to dive under Sans arm, grab your clothes, and run back to the bathroom, locking it. You slid to the ground your heart going a mile a minute.

What the hell was that?! Was he going to ki-kiss me? What is going on, does he like me?!

You calmed down a bit.

Oh, is it because I'm his 'toy'?

You felt your heart sink. You were fill with disappointment.

Why does it hurt to know Sans didn't have feeling for me, that he is just playing with me...
Am I falling for this pun lovely, brother protecting, worrying about my safety, skeleton?

You knew your answer.

Sans POV

Lucky Paps got here when he did, I would have snapped, who knows what I might have done.

Paps was going on and on about me and (Y/N). Trying to figure out what was going on in my head.

Good luck, I don't even know. She just looked beautiful...
Ugh~ I can feel her changing me.

"Yeah, Boss. I get it. What did you want to tell (Y/N)?"

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