33- Feelings shown and 'R'

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Before you could make your way to Undyne's house, Sans and Paps were fighting on who should go with you and who should stay.
"Listen Boss, I get you got a strong bond with Undyne or whatever. I just want to make sure (Y/N) will be safe."
"Nah... that's not it. I know you're kicka**, Paps."
"THEN WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?" Sans didn't say anything, he just rubbed his head/skull and sighed.
"Ugh, why can't you just say you're worried about (Y/N)?" Flowey spoke up sounding very annoyed, still on Paps shoulder.
"Want to run that by me again?" Sans said in a 'shut the hell up' voice.
"Come on Sans just admit it, it's not like you have to hide it anymore. We all saw (Y/N) kiss you." You and Sans go red, but Sans was able to hide his more with his hoodie.
"THAT'S RIGHT I REMEMBER NOW! IT WAS RIGHT BEFORE DR. ALPHYS HEALED (Y/N)." For some reason all the eyes went to you, probably because you kissed him. You rub your hand on your arm while looking down, extremely embarrassed.
"U-umm, I l-love Sans." Everyone gasped besides Flowey and Sans. The main reason for them being in shock was the fact that a human was in love with a monster. Flowey on the other hand easily found out your feelings because he was always with you. Sans was a little shocked because you said it in front of everyone with such ease.
"(Y/N)!" Sans shouted after returning from his daze of embarrassment.
"Well, what else was I supposed to say?"
"Ugh, whatever. Let's just get the hell out of here." Sans grabbed your hand and went to walk out the lab.
But Paps called out, "WAIT! WHAT ABOUT YOU, BROTHER." Paps said teasing obviously knowing the answer.
"Well, of course-" Sans stopped right at the exit, turned to face you. He grabbed your face and gave you a long deep kiss, after you put away you gasped for air. Turning back to the group he asked, "Satisfied?"
You were in such a daze from your amazing kiss you hummed, "Yes..." Sans looked at you and you quickly put your hand over your mouth embarrassed of your words.
Sans just smirked replying with a "Good," and walking in hand with you out the lab.

You make your way to the riverman this time you were determined to have a conversation with him.
"Hello!" The riverman waved.
"I'm (Y/N)." The riverman nodded.
"What's your name?" The riverman shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't have one?" The riverman nodded.
"How about I call you 'R'?" Sans snorted at your simple name you gave the riverman. You shoved him lightly. The riverman looked deep in thought then nodded.

When you arrived at Waterfall, the boat comes to a stop. Sans got out then held a hand out to help you. You took his hand then turned to 'R'. "Thanks 'R', see you next time, yeah?"

I swear if I could see his face 'R' would be smiling.

'R' nodded and waved then left. Sans was looking at you as you watched 'R' follow the river out of view.
"Why do you do that?"
"Huh?" You said having no idea what Sans is asking.
"Like, you don't have to talk to him, thank him, or help him. Yet, you still do, why?"
"Because... I would want someone to make the effort for me, that's what kindness is." Sans rises his brow then laughs and messes with your (H/C) hair.
"Alright, kid."

Sans POV

(Y/N) is awesome. Why waste time to talk to a monster? Better yet, why waste time talking to anybody?

I look over at (Y/N) as we make our way to Undyne's, the smile on her face was warm and inviting.

No, she doesn't see it as wasted time. She sees it as a way to help, to be kind, to love.
Wow... isn't she great?

I giggle and (Y/N) looks at me with confusion. I gesture for her to come closer with my bone ring finger. She steps closer and I whisper in her ear.
"I love you." Her face lit up like lava.
"W-w-w-what? W-w-why all of a s-sudden?" She looked away and stuttered like crazy, of absolute flusteredness. I just shrugged my shoulders leaving  (Y/N) there shunned.

Normal POV
You caught up to Sans, with still a bit of red tint on your cheeks.

Crazy skeleton, trying to make my heart stop.

Sans came to a holt, you look down the path to see a fish kinda shaped house ahead.
"This it?"
"...yeah ...f*ck I really don't feel like fighting."
You look at Sans, "Why would you have to fight? I thought we came here to talk to her."
"Well... Undyne is the type to 'shoot first ask questions later'."
"Oh..." You shrugged your shoulders and stepped forward to the door. You were about to knock when Sans grabbed your arm.
"It's like your trying to get yourself killed."
"Okay, Mr. 'I know my crap', what would you suggest I do?"
Sans sighed, "Just get behide me." You did as he said, then he knock on the door.

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