38- Freedom

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Slowly everything came back into focus. Standing where Flowey once was, stood a small goat who was very similar to Toriel. Only one name came to mind.
"Asriel? ... it can't be..." Sans walked over to him reaching out to him to quickly pull him into a hug like he was going to disappear from his sight.
Sans shoulders shook and you thought he was crying until he pulled away from him and gave him a noggie, and laughing. "You damn Brat! I can't believe you were the freaken weed the whole time! Maybe that's why we didn't get along."
"Owowowowowow, okay okay! Mercy!" Sans giggled and pulled Asriel into another hug.
"You goat it!" You laughed making Sans remember that you were watching him. Sans quickly pulls away from Asriel, embarrassed. "Ehmm! Well I'm glad to have you back, Kiddo!"
As Sans says this he punches Asriel in the shoulder, Asriel stumbled a bit and rubbed his arm smiling.
"Glad to be back!
Unlike some people..." Asriel look over at Chara who stood next to you.
"You can't blame yourself for me, Azzie. I made my own choices, I'm lucky to even be here!" Chara smiled happily even if you knew she was in pain.
"Right... we need to go. Everyone is waiting..." Asriel pointed to the door and little sad at Chara's words.
"Hey!" Sans punched Asriel in the arm again. "Be happy! We are going to break the barrier and get out of here!"
Asriel eyes grew in excitement, "Yeah!"
We all made are way to the door when we heard a voice yell out.
"Wait!" It was Dr. Alphys.
"Hey, Dr. Alphys." She ran over to us, looked at Asriel and then took a step back.
"Not super important right now, what's going on?" Dr. Alphys nodded then smiled wide.
"Remember that piece of paper you gave me?"
You jumped up and down with joy.
"Well? Well? Did it work?!"
"You tell me." As Dr. Alphys said that she pointed to the end of the hallway and someone stepped into view.
"G!!" You ran to the tall skeleton almost tackling him into a hug.
"Thank goodness! I thought I never see you again!!" You cry into G's robe.
"D-dad?" You pull yourself away from G and grab his hand walking back over to Sans.
"Hey, sorry I'm was gone for so long. You were probably bonely."
"Hehe, let's a-void the jokes for now." Sans grabbed G into a hug.
"H-how did you?" Sans voice was very weak and shaky, this time you knew Sans was crying for sure.
"Well, this new royal scientist has a good head on her!"
Sans wiped his tears on his jacket and gave Dr. Alphys a hug too.
Which surprised you all.
"Thank you." Was all he said before he step back with a lazy normal Sans smile.
"W-well if it wasn't for (Y/N)'s basic l-l-layout of the v-void I wouldn't been able to do it."
"Come on Dr. Alphys, you did all the work. Be proud of what you did!" You said with a smile.
Asriel clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention, "Well now that we are done here how about we head to the surface?"
"Yeah!" You and Chara say together, everyone smiled making their way into the next room.

Everyone you ever met was standing at the barrier and more.
A big tall goat who looked really strong came up to you. You could only assume this was King Asgore.
"Where are the human souls?" He asked you in a creepy voice. Toriel came up behide him and smacked him.
"Now where are your manners Asgore?"
"S-sorry, I was just worried..."
He turned back to you and you pointed at Asriel. They both finally turned to look over to him.
"Azzie?" Toriel said in a whisper.
"H-hi, mom... H-hey dad..."
They both ran up to him and pulled him into a big family hug. You smile happy that they are happy and look over at Chara. Who looked truly happy for her brother, but that doesn't mean she wasn't sad.
Paps asked as he walked forward from the crowd.
"Ah, that right. You were only a pile of babybones when I left."
Sans laughed, "Papyrus, this is our dad, Gaster. He has be trapped somewhere for a while but he is back now." G pulls Paps into a hug, Paps face was still a bit stocked but he returned to hug all the same.
"Um... I hate to break up these wonderful moments but I think we still have one more goal to complete." You said to the Dreemurr family and the Skeleton family. They all look at the other monsters just watching them and laugh.
"You ready Asriel?"
Asriel nodded and smiled wide, "I been ready." He walked up to the barrier and stepped through it, making the barrier shatter around him like glass.

We were free finally free.

1 year later

The people on the surface were surprised and some scared. But as quickly as everyone was to freak out, they quickly calmed down when they see they meant no harm. Well, there are still problems here and there but that's life.
Dr. Alphys and Undyne got married when we reached the surface. Undyne joined the police force, you couldn't be happier for her. G and Dr. Alphys got approved to work for the government, to help work on every problem you could think of. Paps is dating someone famous name Mettaton, you have only met him once or twice but he seems like a good fit for Paps... Sans doesn't agree. Grillby has one of the most popular bars in the world, so he is always crazy busy! You miss him, dearly. MK is attending school that Toriel teachs at, he still the cute, funny, dude, monster you love. Toriel and Asgore worked things out and live together with Asriel... Chara made us promise not to tell anyone else about her, she said it be too hard on them. We sadly agreed, but!!
After many, many months of research you finally figured out how to make an artificial soul.

As funny as it is, we were looking in the wrong place. It's not the monsters or humans soul it's their energy. You noticed this thanks to your power to heal, it used your energy not your soul. A soul is one's eternal life, far to strong to be accepted into a body. You were lucky to survive when the determination was put into your soul, the odds of survival was actually .005%... when you found that out you decide you keep it a secret. But, one's energy is infinite, it's not as strong to hurt someone's body, but strong enough to bring life. A monster soul is made of love, hope, and compassion. By your logic; love= monster energy, hope= green{kindness} human energy, and compassion= a mix between yellow{justice} and blue{integrity} human energy. With all these elements that you got from others on the surface you was able to create a new soul!

"Ready Chara?"
"As I'll every be!" We had to do this quickly Chara isn't stable on her own. As Chara separated from you, you take out the soul and gave it to her. She took it and her body became less ghost like and more soild.
"It worked!" Chara jumps into your arms giving you a big hug, you could feel her.
"Hehe, yeah!" You hug Chara back finally she didn't have to stand there during parties and other events watching all the others have fun, she could join them!
"Hey, (Y/N) it's lunchtime." Sans walked in with some spaghetti on a tray that fell to the ground when he saw Chara.
"My spaghetti!" You shouted making them laugh.

<Timeskip of hugs and tears>

"Let's get you home." Chara smiled wide as you walk out the house together to the Dreemurrs.
Sans pull you back into the house real quick slamming you against the door and kissing you, yes with tongue.
"You are perfect, you know that?"
You still blush, no matter how many times you kiss he still has a tight grip on your heart.
"You're such a numbskull!" You said embarrassed and pushed him off you and walk out the door again grabbing Chara's arm.
"A numbskull your in love with!" Sans shouted as you laughed and walked away.

Yeah... I am.


As promised my new book of Underswap first chapter is out right now! It's called 'Can I Stay?'
Check it out ^.^


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