15- Death

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Sans POV

"There is no way this thing could even be close to like Chara." I spitted out. I rose the kid extremely high in the air and slammed them back down as hard as I could with no remorse. She screamed out in pain, I smiled.

She deserves it.
I can still see the f*cken dust on her.

(Y/N) just looked down in horror, but it didn't look like she was looking at the kid. The kid started laughing, like she just realized something.
"Now now, Sansy you wouldn't want to hurt your bestie Chara, would you?" I have a bone so fast to her throat that if you blinked you would have missed it.
"What the hell did you just said?!"

Not only did she call me the way Chara did, Sansy. She also is threatening me like I was hurting Chara.
Oh this kid is going to have a Great TiMe.

"Careful now Sansy, you kill me, you kill Chara." The kid smiled wide like she just won the lottery.
"What..?" I said in a whisper shocked with a hint of confusion.

Chara is alive? Where? How?

I glanced at (Y/N) who was just staring at nothing, with a pained look in her eyes.

I-it can't be...

"(Y/N)? Is Chara here?" (Y/N) nodded her head slowly and point at the kid but not really either.
"H-how- you see her?" (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm not sure, I think maybe because of my powers... I think Chara and Frisk are one and the same." My hand began to waver and weaken. Frisk used this chance to break free and ran off.
"S*it! Get back here!" (Y/N) grab me before I could ran after Frisk.
"Wait, Sans! We need to get everyone safe." I rubbed my hand on my skull.
"Damn-it! You're right, let's go back the way you came, Boss should be close."

Normal POV
You and Sans run off towards Paps.

Please be okay, please be okay!

Your worst fears came to life when you and Sans come across a horrible scene.

Oh God no.

Frisk stood in front of Paps smiling innocently, Flowey looked like he saw a ghost and Chara was yelling at Paps to run, of course he couldn't hear her. Before you could do anything Frisk lunged at Paps with the knife. You gasped and saw Sans fall down into the snow.
"SANS!!" Sans had somehow, magically moved in front of Paps and took the impact of the knife.
"YOU SON OF A B*TCH!" Paps slammed a bone into Frisk sideways so the bone didn't go through her body but made her fly backwards hitting a tree and passing out. You stumbled/ran over the Sans who was lying on the ground. You hold him in your arms as Paps leaned down to help.
"H-hehe, hey (Y/N) it's looks like I fell for you." Sans said with a weak smile.
You shook you head, "Shh, it going to be alright." You focus all your energy to your hands, they grew a soft (F/C). You moved them over to Sans body who was now in Paps arms.
But nothing happened. Sans 'eyes' were closed and he wasn't moving.
"N-no no God no!" You tried again but Sans fingers started to become dust. "NO, Damn-it!! I will not lose you!"
Tears were steaming down you face you shook you head back and forth.
You tried again, "Sans you better not die on me or I'll freaken kill you!" More dust came off, he didn't have hands anymore. "P-please please work." Your voice was almost a whispered and cracking, your hands stopped glowing and you hung your head in defeat.
You didn't look at Paps, "I'm not strong enough... I can't." You choked on your own words.

His soul is grey... he is dead.

Flowey smacked his leaves on each side of your face.
"(Y/N)! You can do this! You put trust in our hearts again when we didn't even trust each other. Trust me, when I said you can overcome anything!!"
You nodded at Flowey and focused on your hands again, you were not going to let this skeleton turn into nothing but dust. You intertwin your magic with Sans soul healing him, you felt all your energy leave your body. However, your is kindness too overpowering for you to quit. You felt yourself weakening, but nothing was happening. You continue to push all you could into Sans soul then all of a sudden it flickered to his original color but back to grey. You didn't have much energy left.

Think damn it, think!! There has to be something I can do!

You thought of something that even sounded stupid to you but you were going to try anything. You moved one of your hands to your soul and took the energy from it and pushed it into Sans soul.
You felt your vision go blurry for a moment, you shook it off and concentrating on Sans soul it had full gone back to it original color and his dust danced around where his bones were and his bones began to heal. You slowly removed your hands. Sans opened his 'eyes'
and smiled.
"SANS!!" Paps yelled and gave Sans a bear hug. You saw Sans eyes grow wide and then he hugged Paps back. You felt a huge rush of relief fill you and then you are surrounded by darkness.
You didn't realize it yet but you had lost half your timeline to bring Sans back.

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