Extra- Dad

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This is a request asked by NekoSasha0, curious of what would/did happen if/when (Y/N)'s father were to met (Y/N) again. I actually gave a lot of thought about this so I decided to go ahead with the idea, but it is thanks to NekoSasha0 that I am adding on to this book.

Warning! My writing style has changed since writing this (in a good way), so don't be thrown off.


Setting: This is placed a year or two after returning to the surface.
"Come on, Sans! I don't want to get caught in the rain!" You stand at the door getting your coat on as Sans makes his way downstairs. He has a grumpy look on his face, well more than usual.

"Ugh! I don't even know why we're going anyway! That guy- He just- And- Uggghhh man! Just thinking about him pisses me off!" Sans made his way to you, during all his rambling.

You gently place your hands on his face. "Listen Sans, I know you hate him, but I finally worked up the nerve to do this." Sans eyes told you he wasn't convinced, so you continued. "*Sigh* Hey, it's not like I'll forgive him, I can't, ever. But, it is thanks to him that we've met."

"Yeah... but it's also thanks to him that Hanna died." You drop your hands to your side. The expression on your face was sour and not pleased with Sans remark. "Don't make that face... look, I'm sorry." Sans pulled you into a loving hug, petting your (H/L), (H/C) hair, you hug him back.

"I know how you feel, but I need to do this, or I can't move on."

"...okay... let's go."

"Bae! Bae!" You hear a familiar voice coming from the kitchen and getting closer. You and Sans remove from each other just in time for Chara to try and jump-hug you. But, was stopped short by Sans magic.

"Kiddo... what did I tell you about being careful with (Y/N)?"

"Awe, Sansy! You're no fun~ Fine! I'm sorry, I'll be better."

"Good." Sans set Chara to her feet before letting out a tired sigh, causing you to giggle at their interactions.

"Okay, kiddo. What did you want?"

"Oh. Oh!! The knife slipped and I cut my leg cooking with Pappy. Can you do the magic?? Please, please, please, Bae!!"

You glaced down at Chara's legs and there was indeed a mark slowly bleeding on her right leg, but it wasn't too deep.

"Remind me again, why you call (Y/N) 'Bae'."

Chara sighed and threw her head back, "Keep up Sansy! 'Bae' means -before anyone else- and that is (Y/N), of course!"

"O, of course~" Sans repeated her in a mocking tone.

"Whatever!" Chara stuck her tongue out at Sans, then turn to you. "So Bae, can you, can you, please?"

"Alright, but please be more careful and let Paps deal with the knives. I don't have as much energy as before."

"Okay! I promise!"

You smile at the little ball of excitement before you. You take Sans hand for support as you bent down to Chara's injured leg. Your hand glowed a bright cyan, then fades away as you finish healing Chara. Sans helped you back to your feet.

Chara bloomed with amazement, "Wow! That's too cool! Thanks, Bae!!" With that Chara ran off, probably back to Paps, in a hurry.

"You should really stop spoiling her."

"Come on Sans, she is just a kid." Sans was about to retaliate, but a loud sound of thunder coming from the sky outside, cut him off. "Oh no! This is why I wanted to leave earlier! Let's go, we have to beat the rain."

"Calm down, (Y/N)." Sans tighten his grip on your hand and smiled wide, "I know a shortcut."


You and Sans continued down your current path. You glaced around the area looking for something.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" A old man who you assumed was the priest of the church came up to you with a helpful smile.

"Oh yes, please. I'm looking for (Father/Name) (Father/Lastname)."

"Of course, he is under the tree with the golden flowers."

"Thank you."

"No problem, you best hurry the clouds are coming in."

You nodded and walked to the tree in the very back, almost as if it was separated from the others on purpose. Sans was beside you the whole time, holding your hand and kept asking if you are okay over and over.

But, now it was quiet and you stood in front of a grave that read, 'RIP (F/N) (F/LN)'. It was simple, no one knew him besides a liquor employee and his two daughters. One found dead and the other missing.

"Hey, there...I don't know why I'm here exactly."

'Father' died the same night as Hanna. It was suicide. You don't know why, but you hoped that his sins finally caught up with him. He smiled in death, he was holding a photo in his right hand and a gun in the left.

The photo was of us, me, Hanna, 'dad', and... mom. 'Father' lied about that too. Mom didn't leave, she died. You don't know why 'Father' didn't tell the truth... maybe because it hurt... maybe it always hurt...

"I-I'm mad that you're gone... It's funny, I thought all this time I would be happy, relieved, excited...... free. But, I'm so confused, I don't understand. I want so badly to know, 'why'? Did you truly hate us? Or did it hurt so bad every time you looked at us you saw mom and you couldn't stand it. Or did it make you feel better about your piece of sh*t self?! I don't know, I'm just spit balling!! And than the photo of us all together?! You're just sick baster, who mocks people even after death, aren't you?! And you had to take Hanna with you!! Why didn't you just f*cking leave us alone!! Why did you take her?! ..."

You were crying though yelling. You were just so mad that it was overflowing and escaped out your eyes. Sans wipes your face and smiles at you his hand rested on your face and you placed your's over his.

This skeleton is your rock, you love him so dearly, you don't think you would've met anybody as perfect as him. You smile softly, the anger removed from you. "But... I do have to thank you for one thing. Thank you for giving me my family. Hanna, Sans, Paps, Chara, and so on. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have them, so thank you."

Rain drops slowly start to fall from the sky and hit you and Sans.

"Oh no, come on (Y/N). We have to get you inside."

"Sans~, you worry too much."

"It's not just you I'm worried about!"

"Oh!" You turn to the gravesite again. "And thanks to you my family is getting bigger!"

Sans slid his arms around you from behind and laid his boney hands on your baby bump.

"I thought that was thanks to me."

Your face heats up and you elbow him in his his non-existing stomach, "Perv."

The rain started to pour over you and Sans in that moment, "Alright, joke time over we are going home." Sans held out a hand to you, and you happily intertwined your figures with his.

You look back at the grave one last final time, "Bye Dad."

And then you were home. 

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