35- Who are you?

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"Wait!" Undyne yelled as you were turning the corner to where the river and 'R' is. "Listen punk, I don't like you... I don't really like anyone, but! I have decided to trust, um- keep an eye on you don't make me regret that decision." You quickly nodded your head then put out your hand towards her's.
"I don't think I got a chance to introduce myself back there. *Ehmm* Hi! I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you Mrs- um... Undyne."
"(Y/N)? I think punk suits you better." Undyne grabs your hand in a death grip.
"I'm Undyne the Undying. Now that's a name!" You giggle at Undyne's almost childlike demeanor.
"You're right! Your name is super cool!" Undyne gives you an odd look.
"You're really weird."

Did I say something funny?

"It's cool (Y/N), Undyne- um, we'll I guess none of us are really use to compliments." You look over at Undyne who was looking the opposite way, but you swore for a second she was blushing.
"Whatever! She is still a punk!" You giggle again and grab Sans hand.

I like Sans hands their warm, which is a little weird, him being a skeleton and all, but I'm not complaining.

You smile at your thoughts and head towards 'R' with Sans and a new friend?

*Timeskip {After the boat ride back to Hotland}*

"Thanks 'R'!" You shout as you wave goodbye to him.
"Huh... I didn't know that river dude had a name."
"He didn't, (Y/N) gave it to him."
"Ugh! I knew you were weird... still... that's kinda kicka**." Undyne glances at you and see you looking at her with a huge smile on your face. "Whatever! Let's get to the lab, I hate being outside in Hotland!"

After explaining to Undyne what was going on; Frisk, Chara, your powers. Undyne seemed to soften her edges more as you continued, for the most part she seemed to believe you.

Let's just hope King Asgore will be as understanding.

When you arrived at the lab Undyne 'knocked'? On the door with her foot, and the lab door kinda fell over. "U-undyne, I-i see you have c-c-come to help. I'm glad." Dr. Alphys greeted Undyne like she didn't just kick in her door.

Is she blushing?

Past Dr. Alphys was Toriel in a chair with a book in her hands. The title read '72 uses for snails', next to her was Flowey on a small table listening to Toriel read aloud.

Flowey is getting awfully friendly with someone who had bullied them...
This can't be a coincidence.

Sans scanned the room looking for you guessed Paps.

It's pretty cute, how he cares for him.

"Hey, I'm going to find Boss and MK."
"Alright." When Sans left to search for the others, you used this opportunity to speak with Flowey, alone. You passed Undyne and Dr. Alphys as they talked and walked to Toriel and Flowey.
"Excuse me, Toriel, is it okay if I borrow Flowey for a bit?"
"Oh my child, of course! You know he is a great listener 'if only I knew that before...'" Toriel said under her breath looking away kinda guilty. You decided it was best to ignore it.
"Thanks, Toriel!" You grab Flowey by his pot and run upstairs where it was more secluded.
"Okay. Spill it, I can see right through you Flowey."
"Huh? W-what are you talking about?"
"Toriel. Who is she to you? And don't you dare say a monster who use to pick on you! I know that. But, I also know that when we went to check on her you seemed to have an better understanding on the situation than me... and the more I think about it, Sans seemed to really hate you, more than he hates other monsters, like he knows you...

The more I think about Flowey the more I realize I know nothing about him.

Flowey looked down remaining silent as you spoke.
"Hey Flowey..." Flowey slowly lifted his head to look at you. Flowey looked hollow, hurt. "Listen, you have been by my side through all of this madness. You're my best friend, I love you, no matter what you say. So, please tell me... who are you?" Flowey took in a deep breath, but hesitated. You grabbed his hand/leaf and smiled. Your smile said 'Everything is going to be alright.'
Flowey faintly smiled back, once again he took in a deep breath.

"...my true name is Asriel."
As soon as Flowey said that everything clicked. You remove you hand from Flowey.
"You... you can see Chara can't you?" Flowey nodded his head.
"W-what? Why didn't you say anything?! You know she is suffering!"
"I kNoW!" Flowey's yelled in a demonic voice making you back off and almost scared.
"I-i'm sorry... I know how much Chara keeps going through again and again. But, until you came around no one would listen or even care what the pathetic flower had to say. Besides... I couldn't just go up to Toriel or Asgore and be like, 'Hi, I'm your son that died and was brought back to life by some of Dr. Alphys determination. And, your daughter who also died is trapped in some crazy kid who is murdering everyone.'"
"Yeah... wait, you said, 'again and again.' Do you remember the timelines?" Again, Flowey nodded.
"But, not at first I thought they were some weird dream but everything became more like deja vu. I slowly started to remember but by then it was to late... the kid, Frisk, changed she started to hurt everyone, that's when I noticed Chara."
"...huh...I guess it's possible that the constant killing woke up her soul..."
"That sounds right, I was sure I was hallucinating but she started talking to me... I-i was so happy my little sister was back!
But, it didn't matter. I couldn't even get near her... at first Frisk simply ignored me but..." Flowey's looked like he was going to cry any moment.
"I understand Flowey. I'm sorry you don't need to say anymore."
"B-but! Hey, this could be good news, m-maybe?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean if you remember then that means the other could to right? And maybe we can get Frisk back, the true Frisk, I mean he was kind before, right?"
"(Y/N)... I admire your kindness, but that Frisk is gone. She died many resets ago."
"(Y/N)! Please come down here! Hurry!" You jump at the sudden shout of your name, you grab Flowey and quickly run down stairs.

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