28- Determination?

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There was no talking as you and everyone made y'all way to Hotland. Hotland was exactly as Paps described it, hot. Even though you were curious about the landscape of Hotland, you were focused on getting to Dr. Alphys. Sans was walking ahead of you and Paps, when he finally stopped at a big laboratory which you assumed is where Dr. Alphys lived. A question as been bothering you since you left Snowdin. You were to much of a coward to ask, but you knew it was now or never. Before Sans knocked on the door you grabbed his sleeve, "Hey, w-what if Frisk gets to everyone, y-you know?- You look down, saddened by your own words- We need to hurry, okay?" Sans seemed to understand what you were trying to say. He grabbed your chin and made you look at him.
"It will be okay." Crazy as it seems, you believed his words with all your heart.
"Promise?" Sans paused, he didn't seem to like that word but he hugged you tight and whispered in your ear.
"Promise." You smile and hug Sans back embracing his warmth when you heard a little squeak.
"H-hey!" You quickly release Sans completely forgetting Flowey was on your shoulder. Flowey took in a big glup of air, "Not cool." You giggle.
Flowey rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, to busy staring googly eyes at your boyfriend you forgot about little me." You blushed at the word boyfriend but remain silent.

I didn't denied it, not because it was true but because if I did, it would feel like I would be saying I didn't like Sans and well...

Sans also looks like he was blushing a bit too, but you couldn't really tell because he was glaring daggers at Flowey. Paps on the other hand looked like he was about to pass out from laughing so hard. You shake it off and give Sans the okay to knock on the door.
Dr. Alphys appeared at the door in no time, she looked...awful. Like, she had did an twenty mile marathon and then climbed Mount Everest. You were the first to speak up, "Dr. Alphys?! Are you okay? You look like you about to collapse." As you say this you walk pass Sans and step close to Dr. Alphys wanting to help but not over step your boundaries after all this is only like your 2nd time speaking to her. Dr. Alphys didn't say anything but took you hand and lead you inside, Paps and Sans followed close behind. She continued into a room that was marked as a bathroom but once inside it you realized it was an elevator. Dr. Alphys click on one of the buttons when Paps and Sans entered the elevator as well. The elevator lowered then opened, Dr. Alphys still holding onto you pulled you into a big room where there were many, many notes scattered about with multiple different chemicals around the room as well.
"(Y/N)!" MK ran up too you and 'hugged' you. At that moment Dr. Alphys release you and went back to her work mumbling to herself. This gave you the opportunity to hug MK. You pulled away and smiled at him.
"Hey, MK. How are you?" MK smile disappeared, his face was easy to read. He was obviously extremely worried about your condition. You lightly punch him in the shoulder, "Hey, I'm still kicking." You wink at MK who giggled. You look over at Dr. Alphys running about then back at MK. "What is Dr. Alphys doing?"
"I'm not sure, she said it's not important until she secedes. I think she means that no matter how much she works on it, it will not mean anything if it doesn't work." You nodded your head at MK's words.

She can't keep going like this she looks like she is about to fall over.

"H-hey, Dr. Alphys maybe you should take a break." Dr. Alphys didn't seem to hear you, she slammed her hands down on the table in front of her.
"Damn-it! I can't get these mixtures right, I have tried everything."
"What are you trying to do?" Dr. Alphys sighed then finally turned towards you.
"I was trying to make an energy boost on the soul but sadly I can not, I'm sorry (Y/N)" Dr. Alphys looked down defeated. You walk over to Dr. Alphys and put your hand on her's.
"W-what? There is no need to apologize, I'm just thankful you worked so hard on my account. Really, thank you Dr. Alphys." Dr. Alphys looked at you like you are some magically being, then smiled softly.
"You're too kind." Sans looked at Dr. Alphys with stock that she even wasted her time on helping you.
*sigh* "Dr. Al, is there no other way then what you have been working on?" You look over at Sans, the look on his face was desperate.
"I can only think of two other ways and they're both theories. The first one depends on how (Y/N)'s soul became weak to begin with - Dr. Alphys looked at you now.- what happened to your soul? Did you share it by any chance?"

Gosh, Dr. Alphys is crazy smart!

You nodded you head yes. "I see. Well the first option is the person/thing you shared it with would return it and you should be as you were." Your eyes grow wide and you look over at Sans and Paps. Paps looked almost afraid, Sans looked like he was okay with her words.
"(Y/-" You cut Sans off.
"NO. I don't regret what I did, I would do it again! You're not killing yourself, no."
"But, I can't watch you die..." Sans words made everyone feel awful, and you could see MK and Flowey about to cry.
"You don't have too! -You turn back to Dr. Alphys- what's the other theory?" Dr. Alphys was taking in the situation and was looking at Sans now knowing he was the person you share your soul with but then looked away from everyone looking extremely guilty.
"W-well King Asgore g-gave me some determination from one of the h-human's soul to study... the affects on m-monster are very p-positive... at first..." Dr. Alphys stuttered over her words, you could tell she was very uncomfortable with this subject. She walked over to a cage in the corner and a mix between many different monsters stepped out the cage, it's mannerisms reminded you of a dog. Everyone stepped back looking at the odd creature, you on the other hand stepped forward and put you hand to it hole where you figure it's face was. It 'sniffed' you then pushed it's head to your hand, you giggled and began to pet it.
"I-im glad you seem to like it. But, this is the n-negative part of d-determination the monsters c-couldn't handle it and formed t-together." You look at the monster before you and you weren't scared. However, you didn't want to become a blob.
"I- I don't know Dr. Alphys..."
"Well, my theory is because you are an human, it will heal you and your body will be able to hold together... B-but that is only a t-theory. (Y/N)... you need to think hard about this, it could fail complete and you could... die." The room went silent.
"No way in hell." Sans spoke up in the quiet room. You move towards Sans and away from the Puppy-like Monster.
"No f*cken way (Y/N) you could die!"
"Sans, I'm going to die even if I don't do it." Sans looked at you with sadness. You hate seeing him like this but what you said was true. You hold Sans hand, "I have to do this." Sans looked like he was about to cry.
"W-why? You could still be here for a little long with me- with us..." You look over at Paps and then at MK and Flowey, they all look so heartbroken not knowing what they should say. You walked over the Paps, took Flowey off your shoulder and hug him and put him in Paps hands. You also gave Paps a big bear hug, you turned to MK and hugged him too. You finally went up to Sans, you grab his face and gave him a light kiss. Everyone a little stock by this but kinda figured.
"I need to do this." You said again to Sans, he admitted defeat and nodded. You didn't want to but you pulled yourself away from him and walked over to Dr. Alphys.
"I'm ready."

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