24- The Cost

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MK finally stopped running around he stood in front of you now. "Hey dude, can you do any other magic, yo?" Your immediate thought was when you reflected Paps magic, you cringe at the image of him getting hurt because of what you did. Sans seemed to sense what you were thing and patted your shoulder and softly smiled.

Sans usual smile always makes me feel better.

"Oh! There is one thing, but I haven't done it in so long..." You trail off.

Since Hanna died, I may have been able to say goodbye, but it's still hard to talk about her.

You quickly recover, "Want to see it?"
"Hell yeah! Yo." You giggle at the excited kid, and even notice Sans was watching you with curiosity. You step forward and face them, when you heal others your hands glow (F/C). However, this particular magic was a reflection of your soul. It didn't hurt you in anyway, it's like taking a picture all this magic does is show others what your soul looks like in a way. It was quite easy and beautiful. You concentrate until a small green orb appears in front of you, you then release it into the air and the orb breaks apart and the room fills with a dots of glowing green orb pieces. Sans and MK look around in awe as the once green orb pieces fade into grey.

What? This c-can't be... my soul... it's turning grey?!

You knew what it mean't when a soul turns grey, it mean't you'll die. Sans looked back at you to see your face fill with fear. You didn't noticed him, your mind was racing around and around.

I-i don't understand. Why is my soul dying, why am I dying?! Am I not healthy? Did I use too much, magic-

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?!" Sans was holding your shoulders and looking into your eyes with worry.

Oh no. I used my soul to heal Sans... I guess... It did more damage then I thought... what now? Is this w-what G mean't by ' at such a cost'? Is this way I slept so long?
Am I going to die?

"Okay, (Y/N) I need you to speak to me here! I'm really started to freak out." You collapse into Sans arms. You grab onto him and begin the cry into his hoodie.

I can't die! I don't want to! I finally got a home a- and friends a-nd I want to stay with Sans!! Please, don't take me! Please! Please! I want to stay! Don't make me go.

Sans POV
(Y/N) looked at her magic in horror and suddenly began to cry. I tried multiple times to get her to talk to me but she just kept screaming 'Don't make me go'. She just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping at her throat. She was gripping onto me like her life depended on it.
"You don't have to go, I want you to stay!" But, I knew (Y/N) wasn't listening. MK was standing there a blank expression on his face.

I don't know what to do?! I don't know what's wrong?! Why I'm I so f*ckin useless?! We were just looking at her magic! What the f*ck happened?! (Y/N) wouldn't cry for nothing... didn't it hurt her? No, she didn't look hurt, she looked... hollow.

(Y/N) continued to cry but it was a bit quieter. She stopped yelling, tears were falling down her skin which was now pale.
"MK, go get Dr. Alphys and tell her to meet us at the our house." I said in a strong, stern voice.
MK was just looking at (Y/N) who continue to cry into my hoodie.
"MK!" MK finally tore his eyes away from (Y/N) looked at me, nodded and ran off towards Hotland.

I don't know what the f*ck is happening but I know she is crying worst then the night we talked about Hanna. So, I'm not taking any chances, she must be hurt or something... she was looking at her magic... Ugh! What's is f*ckin happening!!

I picked (Y/N) up princess style and she buried her head more into my chest. I teleported us back into my room and sat on the bed listening to (Y/N)'s crys. I hugged her tight...

I don't know what else to do.

Slowly, (Y/N) stopped crying and just sat there.
Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me, my eyes on her the whole time. Her usual beautiful (E/C) eyes were now dark and almost dead. "Sans..."
I was almost blow away her voice was so soft and weak I thought for a moment I imagined it.
"Y-yes?" I was shaking, I don't like where this is going something bad is happening.
"...my soul..." My heart flew into my throat, but I waited for her to continue. She was slowly closing her eyes and opening them again.
"...its...d...d-dying." As she said that she fell asleep in my arms.

There is nothing to think.
There is nothing to said.
I knew exactly why, it's because she brought me back.
The women I love is dying. Because of me.
She must have noticed it in her magic.
I can't think.
I don't want to.

I hold onto (Y/N) and feel tears fall from my eyestocks.

That's why she cried, she wants to stay. She wants to live.

I hear the front door slam open, "Why I'm I here again?" Dr. Alphys said to either Flowey or Paps.
I wipe my 'eyes' on my sleeve, I gently move (Y/N) to the bed, removing myself from her.

Snap out of it!
I need to focus on (Y/N). I will save her!

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