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cami's pov

it's been a whole day and he hasn't texted me.

he didn't text after he dropped me off at home after the club, and he didn't text at all today. it was almost 10:00.

I texted him a few times, but I stopped so I didn't seem desperate.

"what's up, cam?" my mom asked as she walked down the stairs.

"nothing." I muttered, staying focused on the tv.

"you sure?" she asked, taking a bite out of an apple.

"yeah, just tired." I said. my phone buzzed and it was a text from jack. my mood instantly lightened.

  jack; sry was busy

  me; it's fine, what's up

  *message opened at 11:28 am*

"what the heck?" I thought. he's never like this.

  me; we should get lunch or something ;)

  *message opened at 11:31 am*

now I was mad.

"I've got a conference tomorrow night so I'll be away for the next two days, ok hon?" my mom said from the kitchen.

"ok," I got up and gave her a hug.

"I'll text or call you tonight, when I get there." she smiled.

"ok mom," she kissed me on the cheek and then she was out.

this was normal for her.

I was going to text jack and tell him my parents weren't home, he usually loved hearing that.

but then I remembered he was in some sort of, mood so I decided to leave him alone.

I looked through the daily mail and cosmopolitan sections on snapchat, but then something caught my eye.

"madison beer and jack gilinsky, together again?"

I clicked on it and it was a video.

"the famous singer, jack gilinsky was apparently out for breakfast with his recently-ex girlfriend madison beer," the reporter said.

the screen flashed with pictures of them sitting with each other talking at some breakfast place, walking together and even her getting out of his car.

I felt mad, but mostly betrayed. I thought he actually liked me.

"jack was seen last night, dancing with an unknown girl, but I guess that was just a one night thing."

the screen flashed with pictures again, of me and jack drinking, kissing and dancing.

the words "I guess that was a one night thing", ring in my mind.

how dare she.

or better yet, how dare he.

  me; fuck you jack

  me; were over

  me; completely, 100% over

  jack; what?

  me; people magazine, jack

I turned off my phone and threw it onto the couch. I could feel tears coming to the brim of my eyes but I refused. I would NOT shed a tear over this boy.

I found a bottle of skyy vodka in the freezer and got out a glass. I filled it almost to the brim and began to drink.

(a/n before anyone says she's overreacting, her ex was a major fuckboy and broke her heart like more than one time so she's just like 6ft deep in her feelings right now, k?)

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