Chapter 29- Making amends

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Edited this chapter. Feel free to point out if there's any mistakes.

Steven's P.O.V.

Things have been hectic for the last week. Lux haven't been able to sleep well and we've been trying to find her uncle. It was fortunate we did, so today we've decided to go see him. He lives just fifteen minutes away. Aunt Shelly told us to be careful because Lux's due date is soon. I'm excited for our baby to be born.

"Come on let's go," Lux called from the passenger seat of the car.

"Yes I'm coming I'm just getting you some food," I replied handing her a cup full of juice and a sandwich.

"Thanks honey," she replied kissing my cheek. We drove off to her uncle's house. We found his house and parked in front. She sat in the car for a while not moving.

"Hey, everything will be fine baby girl. If you don't want to do this then we can always just go home," I soothed her rubbing small circles on her hands. She looked at me and smiled sadly.

"Let's get this over with," she replied getting out of the car. I followed her as we walked up to his front door. She hesitated before pushing the button ringing the bell. We waited for a few seconds before the door opened and revealed a woman.

"May I help you?" She asked eyeing Lux up and down.

"Sorry for bothering you but is there a Mr. Brian Nelson living here?" I asked giving Lux's hand a squeeze.

"Yes, he's my husband. Why are you looking for him?" She asked.

"Well you see, he's my uncle and I'd like to speak to him even if it's only for five minutes," Lux requested.

"You must be mistaken. My husband's remaining family passed away eighteen years ago," she explained.

"Honey? Who's at the door?" A male voice chipped in.

"Oh it's no one darling, just a kid who claims to be your niece," the woman replied.

"Mr. Nelson? May we please have a word with you?" I asked.

"I have no niece, my sister's daughter died with her in the accident," he replied.

"I was never in the car. My dad was with my mom when it happened. I was home alone with the baby sitter. My mom had left me letters in a box to give them to me in case things like the crash happened. Her lawyer told me that I had an uncle and the I was to be left in your care but instead of taking me you put me in the foster system. I'm not here to start a fight but simply to say that I forgive you. I forgive you for not wanting me and I want to thank you for that because if you didn't then I would have never met my fiancé.
I'm here to invite you to my wedding which is in a month's time. I hope I can see you there. You're my only family and if you don't want to recognize me as such then that's fine. I have family that are better than you will ever be," Lux announced turning around and left.

"Wait," her uncle called," I'm sorry. I wasn't ready to raise two kids on my own. I wanted to keep you but I was scared. I had my son who was already four and his mom just left, I could barely afford another kid. I'm so sorry for this, I wish I could take back all those years."

"Then why didn't you come get me when you were ready for two kids? You know what, whatever I forgive you," she said.

"When are you due?" Her uncle asked gesturing to her stomach.

"Any day now," she replied rubbing her stomach.

"Do you want to come in? Your cousin will be here soon, I know William would love to meet you," Her uncle asked gesturing to the door.

"Sure," she replied walking into the house. It was beautiful. The walls were white and there were lots of pictures on display. Lux walked over to the one with a couple in it. She smiled as she stared at them.

"Your parents?" I asked slinging my arms around her and wrapped them around her stomach.

"Yes, aren't they amazing?" She asked leaning into me.

"Yes," I replied. All of the sudden Lux's body stiffened and a horrified look crossed her face.

"Steven," she breathed out.

"Yes, what's wrong?"I asked.

"My water just broke," she replied. Shit we need and ambulance.

"Um...can you maybe call an ambulance?" I asked her uncle.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked grabbing the phone.

"The baby's coming," I replied helping Lux sit down.

"Oh shit," he said dialing 911.

A few hours later...

"OK darling, when I tell you to push you're gonna push," the midwife said to Lux who was breathing heavily.

"OK now push," she spoke and Lux took a deep breath and pushed.

"Ah, it hurts so bad," Lux said squeezing my hand tighter.

"I know baby girl, just hang in there," I encouraged.

"OK darling one last push," the midwife spoke,"one three. One, two, three. Push!" Lux pushed and it wasn't long until we heard the baby crying. Lux and I looked at one another and smiled at each other.

"Come on dad do the honors," the midwife said giving me the scissors. I cut the ambolicle cord and the the baby was handed to me. I smiled down at the beautiful little being in my arms. It was a girl.

"Lux, say hey to our beautiful baby girl," I said handing her the the baby.

"Hey my darling, my beautiful flower," Lux said smiling at our daughter.

"What would you like to name her?" I asked sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

"How about Nia May McDonald?" She asked still looking at the baby.

"Nia May McDonald it is," I agreed kissing the top of her head. Welcome to the world my baby girl. Nia May Greyson McDonald.

So here you go guys, two chapters in one day. This book will only have two more chapters before we reach the end so I'll try and make the last two chapters extra special.
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Mars :)

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