I Wouldn't have Believed it Either

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The long, lonely walk from the campus library back to the dorms was one of the many reasons that I was going to stop going to that damned stuffy overgrown  cooking chamber.

I really love books. Trust me when I say this:

I. Really. Love. Books.

When you are as socially crippled as I am, books become your best friend. And it doesn't even matter what books, hence when I was done with the novels and comics I borrowed from the library, my thin narrow self could always be found with with my head in a text book getting ahead with the university work.

The other reason that I had come to hate the lonesome journey from the library was because of the stares.

The whispers.

The pointing.

The mummers.

The snickers.

It wasn't the best thing for a person like me, but I don't think that there was a way I could avoid it now. The rumor mill had already caught wind of what happened and people would not let me be. They thought I was lying and was just looking for a bit of attention.

They really should know how much I hated any sought of attention.

That's not completely true though, because there has been one person's attention that I craved and once I received it, I could not let it got.

God, when he looked at me, I felt like I am floating. And when he smiled at me, I could feel myself melting. Please don't get me started on when he touched me in any way, even the simple thoughts of those moments are so dangerous to my well being that I have to stop and take deep breathes to calm my thundering heart.

But in all honesty, I really could not blame them for not believing me. Who in the world would ever believe that the famous musician/actor/model, Harry Edward Styles, the dazzling lad who so vivacious, charming and outgoing was  dating the shyest, nerdiest university student of the millennia?


With my newly borrowed text books and novels placed on the floor and my back pack strand grasped tightly between my teeth, I dug my left hand into the ratty nap sack that had seen better days. It was my favorite though and I didn't want to part with the only memento I had left from my older brother.

My finger brushed a cold metallic thing and I immediately followed it and snatched the keys from my backpack. I stared dead ahead at the small silver plank that was nailed to my door.

Room 320 : Niall James Horan

I struck lucky with Boston University, not only were they willing to give me a full academic scholarship to study bio-statistics, but they got me an en-suite dorm that I didn't have to share, promised me a paid job when I reached the third year of my four year degree and a pretty sweet allowance for miscellaneous expenses. My meals were paid for by the university so I just ate at the cafeteria instead of buying groceries. I had a little gold mine in my bank account. Though people laughed at my nerdy character, even they had to agree that it came through for me in the end.

I trudged into the dorm and gently place the new books on the desk. I had taken out the books I needed to return back to the library so the shelf had a bit of space, but I needed to arrange them in alphabetical order, which I would much rather do later. I needed to check my phone first.

Harry was changing me bit by bit. If this was the old me, I would have already started on arranging the books and afterwards, sunk into my comforter and curled around a novel. But now I was just anxious to see whether he texted me.

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