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The boy's name was Harry. He kept coming back despite the smell of death. It was everywhere. In my hair, clothes and room. The air I breathed out was saturated by it. The words I tried to strange out of my collapsing esophagus spelled it.

I wanted to scream for him to leave.

To leave the room because along the way, I became death itself.

My parents realized it soon enough. They played their smarts and packed their bags and left. I wish that Da' could at left me a hand squeeze and Ma a kiss on the forehead but – it was impossible. I knew that.

I watched them through the red film of blood that had seeped into my irises. Watched Ma swallow loudly as she looked at what was once her son. I could see her resolve withering, because though I was a body of swollen water and blood and barely looked like her blonde and ever smiling son, Ma had carried me into this world and she loved me.

And so did Da. He looked me over lying in my childhood, mouth slack with sadness and eyes brimming with tears. I knew he saw his little boy that he taught to play golf and catch dragonflies in the summer. But I also knew that Greg death to the virus stole a part of them that they could never get back. And I was hoping that sending them away would spare the part of them that would also die with me when I inevitably died.

So I gave them a painful smile. I knew it was just bloody grimace full of swollen gums and slicked up tongue but it was something. Da's eyes hardened and he grabbed Ma's shoulders, steering her out of my room. I could hear the jingling and clacking of the pots and pans that were tied to their camping backs as they went down the stairs.

The reverent creak of my family home door opening.

A silent moment. No eulogy.

And the closing thud of my tomb.

And my fate was sealed. A room over, my brother's room was bloody. His last hours on earth were so painful. We sat downstairs in the living room while it happened. He convulsed shook and tore at his skin as the blood and water in his body escaped through every cavity in his body.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I took Da's shot gun and went to his room. I stared him in the eyes. And I shot my brother. Because I loved him. And he loved me too; I knew that's what he wanted me to do.

But now alone in my room as I gazed at this Harry character, I wished I hadn't killed my brother. He wouldn't have looked at me with the sympathy and misguided hope that this man was looking at me with. He would have shot me, because he loved me too.

He would have shot me because I am death

Harry better realize this soon or I will kill him.

'Iamdeath. Iamdeath. Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath. Iamdeath. Iamdeath. Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath.Iamdeath.' I chant in my head because my mouth is now in shreds and I lost my ability to speak eons ago

"Okay Niall. I will save you, I promise." Harry says ignoring my imploring gaze.


"I don't know if you remember me but I used to work as scientist at the pharmaceutical company you used to work at." Harry continues, as he drawls out vial after vial of his deadly blood from his mangled arm.


"I always thought you were the most beautiful and brightest of all the interns I ever had to work with." Harry says softly. He sighs and places the last vial in the tray beside him. My tomb had been turned into a makeshift lab. Sterilized and panned out to accommodate the busy bodies filtering and in and out of the rooms, poking at me and my dead brother then going downstairs to cook up chemicals that occasionally went KABOOM when they did something wrong.

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