I Wouldn't have Believed it Either

441 20 16

Pt 2


After texting back and forth with each for a week or so, Harry asked me out. With the amount of Ecchi and Yaoi I read relentless when I hit puberty, I pretty much picked up on the fact that I'm bi-sexual from the moment I realized what bisexuality was. I had never had a problem with my sexuality. I guess I replied with my shyness, it was a good thing that I wasn't picky. I didn't have a large pool of potential partners to pick from to begin with.

I didn't know how to feel about the date, but when our very cliché first date picnic was over, I knew how I felt about Harry. He dazzled me so much and for some reason he seemed to be pretty keen on me too.

He took me back to the dorms and we walked very, very, very, very slowly to my dorm house. I was a giggling mess, the punch Harry had made, giving me liquid courage. It was a good thing that it was pretty late so there was no one to witness the awkward forced kiss that I ambushed Harry with when he was saying bye.

Instead of being disgusted or hating me or whatever, he cupped my head softly and pulled me gently away from his face. He smiled softly as he stared deep in my eyes like I was the most precious thing in the world. Tilting my head slowly he came in for a tender kiss.

It was a soft nudge of lips at first. His lips were warm and soft not cold and chapped like mine. He freaking had to use lip balm, there was no way a guys lips could be naturally soft like that. He placed his lips there for a few seconds, letting me get used to them.

Then he parted my lips tenderly and ravished my mouth with calm serene passion that I have ever never felt in my life knew. All I could do was follow suit; let his expert lips and mouth teach my virgin lips what a kiss should be like.

"Was that your first kiss, Niall?" Harry breathed, when we parted with an erotic smack of lips in the air.

"Yes," I said Looking for any sign of discourse in those beautiful emerald jewels that he got to call eyes.

He pressed a chaste peck on my lips, "I'm honored to be your first kiss, Niall." If I wasn't falling for him already, that sure would have done the trick. I skipped to my dorm and floated into my comforter when I arrived into my dorm. That whole week I had a skip in my step and rhythm in my head. I found myself smiling more than I have ever done an there was this hazy radiating feeling that kept dispelling negativity from my head.

2nd date we went out to a movie.

3rd date we went to the beach.

4th date we took a midnight drive and sang love songs out loud in the night sky.

5th date he took me to meet his loud and sassy best friend.

6th date his calm and collected friend joined us for a bit of lunch.

7th date Both friends went shopping with us.

8th date he took me to his house and showed me all the best parts of his childhood through piles and piles of pictures he saved.

The 8th date should have warned me that he wasn't a normal young adult like me. His house was beautiful, well kept and immaculate to the point where I was intimidated to breathe, afraid that I might dirty something. It was a sizeable home and it was on the tip of my tongue to ask what he did, but Harry distracted me showing me the pizza bases he bought in hopes that we would make pizzas.

After the pizza's came the photos.

After the photos he asked me to be his boyfriend.

I mean I was an airhead but any normal person would have forgotten about whatever stupid question they had before that, right? I was ecstatic and didn't even hesitant when I said yes.

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