Wrong Apartment pt2

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The smack of smooth, wet lips sounded in the hot stuffy studio apartment that Harry was renting. Niall sank further into the marshmallow pillows that were beneath him and Harry scooted further between his legs. He boldly nibbled on Niall's plump lips before dipping in the crook of his neck to mark him there.

"Uh no. Wait, Harry." Niall suddenly exclaimed on a light gasp. He dug his knees into Harry's stomach and pushed him off.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked confused. He was sure everything was fine until just a minute ago. His hope had soared when he kissed Niall after dinner and was received with equal fervor. The sex was good after that.

He wished he had another tool in his arsenal to reel in Niall but unfortunately he didn't.

Sex was his only hope right now.

"If that's it for tonight, I really have a lot of school work to do." Niall averted his eyes and refused to meet Harry's searching gaze.

It had been like that for the past two months. He knew he was the one who demanded that Niall pay him back for getting him a job at his friend's music store with sex but they had agreed to do it once.

They have needed up in Harry's bed more than once after the fulfillment of the 'condition'. It was pretty obvious that Niall was attracted to him but whenever he asked him out he always backed out like a scared little puppy.

He knew that Niall had been handed the short stick in life and he had to deal with it on a daily basis but he had more than proved that he wasn't like the other men he had ever encountered. He didn't understand why he had to suffer for Frank's shortcomings. Why they both had to suffer for it.

And as Louis, his best friend often said, it was what it was. It was about he accept that. No matter how much he liked Niall.

"Fine. You no longer have to do it with me if you don't want to." Harry said on a sigh.

"What?" Niall asked startled. He swiveled to face Harry so fast he almost fell of the bed. Shock and something that Harry couldn't identify at that moment was mingled in those beautiful blue crystal eyes of his.

"I give up. I get that you really don't want to go out with me." Thrusting his hands in his hair, he glanced at Niall with a crestfallen expression before hastily going into the bathroom. Niall sat on the bed, trying to process what he had just said and he couldn't.

He looked at the door of the bathroom waiting for Harry to come out and clarify whatever he had said. But the pitter patter of the shower in the bathroom told him Harry was done with him.


Niall's days were more relaxed. Not only had the job Harry had gotten him paid him more, had benefits but it was summat his dream Job. Louis' music junk shop was incredibly popular in the area for having all types of music, new and old, covers and original. It was his responsibility to manage the shop and to know the merch. He was literally paid to listen to music.

Music had always been his escape all these years as he did all the odd jobs then had to study dead into the night which was really, physically and emotionally, painful. So when he maneuvered through the shop on a Friday afternoon, stopping only a few times to greet a few regulars who were sampling the new records, to retrieve more records that were about to run out up front, he didn't expect to stumble upon this.

He had sidled into the packed back storage, minding not to step on the records lying on the floor and making a mental note to have one of the workers help him with organizing the storage, and he heard the shuffling.

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