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The soft creak of the bedroom was what woke Harry up from his languid sleep. His body was cocooned in warmth and soft snores of his husband of five years were in his ear. He didn't think he would ever tire of waking up to Niall droning in his ear. Be it summer, be it there were having a heatstroke, be it that Harry is stinky, especially on those lazy slow days were they can't muster the strength for an evening shower, Niall would wrap himself around him and attach himself to his back like glue.

Two little bobs of curly hair peered over the end of the bed before the shortest of the pair was pushed underneath the blankets by the taller of the culprits. The second culprit peered over the bed again and noticed her father watching her with the patience of a man who has been a father for over two years.

"What are you doing, Darcy?" Harry questions his oldest child, who was so naughty and too smart for her own good.

"Notin'," The little trouble maker responded around a giggle before disappearing underneath the blankets, joining her little brother.

Jordan, his littlest child who had just started standing on his own, crawled steadily up Harry's leg, his little blunt half moon nails digging into his skin.

Thank the Lord we put on pajama bottoms after showering last night, Harry thinks as his son's tiny little head pokes out of the mound of blankets. His piercing blue eyes, that were just like his father's, glistering in self satisfaction as he waved and bubbled at his Dad in excitement.

"Good morning to you too, little stinker." Says Harry plopping a big wet one on the adorable little boy's forehead.

Darcy who hadn't been too far behind her little brother emerged from the blankets too, right between Harry and Niall, forcing the sleeping man to scoot over unconsciously to make room for the little one.

"Papa wake up!" Darcy slaps Niall's bare chest in an attempt to rouse the sleeping form but he just groans and tries to roll away from the tiny swatting hand. Darcy, like Jordan, had been blessed with Harry's luscious hair in addition to his eyes but she had Niall's pale skin and freckles. Her little face flares up with determination and keeps trying to wake her father.

Niall finally sighed in surrender and rolled over to face his daughter that was tucked between the two of them."You are very ugly indeed" He said in a long suffering voice still laced with sleep.

"You stink really bad, pew ewwww!" Darcy responded immediately, covering her perky little nose dusted with freckles with her dainty chubby hands.

"Why did you feel the needed to wake us up so early in the morning, small one?" Harry asked adoringly at his child while threading his long fingers in Jordan's brunette curls, who was busy dutifully drooling on his chest.

"Because you ran away from us yesterday!" Darcy pouted glaring at her Dads.

"We didn't run away from you, small one." Harry chuckled

"Remember I told you in the morning after breakfast that Papa and Dad are going to celebrate how they met five years ago?" Niall patiently said knowing full well that Darcy remembered, but she just didn't like having her fathers away from her sight.

"Nooooooooooo," Darcy drawled out, puffing her cheeks and blinking her eyes earnestly hopping that it would her sell the lie.

"You little liar."Niall chuckles grabbing her tiny little nose.

"Honest, I don't!" Darcy shakes her head for good measure.

"Owww! Jordan I told you my breasts don't have milk!" Harry pulls Jordan off his chest who had taken the opportunity to latch his eager little mouth onto Harry's nipple.

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