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It's funny how the same things can be used to do bad or good.

I used my hand to dry my mums tears when dad died.

But I also used it to slam the door in her face when she told me she was sending me to boading school.

Used my left leg to kick the winning goal of the footie tournament.

But also used it to bash the boys locked room door in when I found out I couldn't play anymore after I had knee surgery.

Used my fist to defend my bestfriend from the homophobic bullies that pestered him at school when he came out as gay.

But also my fist connected with his jawline when he kissed me after the seniors school dance.

My point is humans are complicated. There some people out that are evil to the core. They live to spread malice and hurt. Everyone knows this.

But there is no one on this earth that is truly good. It's not all black and white as we were raised to believe.

There's grey.

So much grey.

Murky old grey that blinded you. Confused you. And rattled you.

I was that grey.

Because I could not stand at a confessional and confess that I was evil. But I had done bad things.

I had hurt people. Consciously and unconsciously.

Hurting my best friend was something I felt I had to do because remember that grey I mentioned earlier? Remember how I said it confuses you?

Yeah, it confused me at that time.

But somehow after the fight, we had after prom. We managed to salvage the relationship.

I don't know about him, but from my side, it was because though he confuses me so much, made me so angry at times and scares the hell out of me, he gives this grey world of mine a bit of colour.

I watch him as he smiles at the barrister and says a few words to the pretty brunette. He is probably telling her he is meeting someone and didn't need a table.

They make a pretty picture the two of them, both gorgeous brunettes with even more gorgeous smiles. But then again, Harry was gay.

And from the way her eyes flash in unsheathed interest, she was straight and feeling Harry. He nodded and made the short distance to the table I chose.

It had a great view of the flower shop across the street and the smell of freshly brewed coffee easily wafted by the table.

"Hey." Harry folded his legs that were clad in black skinnies under the table. "Sorry for making you wait but I had a problem with Matthew."

I raised an eyebrow at that. Matthew was Harry's latest "roommate". He had seemed like he was gonna last.

He checked out every one of Harry's requirements:

Pay rent on time.
Contribute to chores and grocery.
Don't get attached.
Don't be clingy.
Don't expect to be chosen over Niall and work.

Harry doesn't really need the roommates. He could afford the rent easily, he has a great job as a paediatrician at a private hospital.

He told me that the arrangements with these people were easier when they both lived under the same roof.

"Besides, he had continued, "that isn't my dream house, soo I can disrespect the place if I want to."

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