Chapter 16: Save me, please

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Hana POV

"What is happening where am I" I yelled looking around in a dark void. I could only hear the sound of silence lurking around me. Brother where are you, you promise to never leave me in the dark, I thought as tears streamed down my cheeks and my body crumbled into a tiny ball. Oh no, not again, why did I allow him into my head, I thought as cold air danced on my skin. 

Mayuri POV

"Long time no see, Mayuri" a dark sadistic voice said coming from Hanas body. That bastard managed to get a hold of her again. I tightened my grip around the metal pipe in my hand. Don't worry Hana I will get you back. 

"Ha, seriously do you really think you can get her back" the voice said as confusion came on captain Ukitakes face. 

"who is this man" Ukitake asked turning to me. 

"well since you got a bunch of new friends, I might as well tell who I am" Hana body said, while turning to the rest. 

"my name is Hades, master of the underworld and hell itself" he said in a dominated voice. All the others eyes were wide as they heard those words.

"wait is this what you talked about when you said a demon was inside of Hana" Renji  asked. I nodded and turned my attention towards Hana. Okay all we have to do is stab Hades/Hana in the heart and he will get locked up again. We just have to be quick before he manages to start eating her soul. 

3 person POV

Mayuri attacked Hades from the right while Ukitake came from the left. The giant tiger stopped Ukitake attack and send him flying. Hades pulled out his palm and blocked Mayuri sword with easy. Mayuri tried attacking over and over, but not a scratch came. The tiger pressed its paw down on Ukitake chest keeping him down. Blood coughed out of his lunges as painted the paw. 

"don't worry captain I will help you" Renji yelled and went for the tiger. The creature jumped to the side and growled at him, while Renji helped Ukitake on his feet. Ichigo came over to them and pointed his sword at the tiger. 

"Renji, Ichigo can you two handle this while I try help Mayuri" he asked. Both of them nodded and went directly for the tiger creating an opening for Ukitake to get towards Hana. 

Mayuri POV

"Mayuri when will you realize that you are weak and you can not stop the destiny given to Hana" Hades said into my ear while I pressed my sword against his hand. This man really piss me off, please Hana I will get you back. 

I went for his lower region, but he was to quick and managed to deflect my attack. With each failing attack I made a new one, it almost feel like Kenpachis way of fighting has grown on me. 

"Hana, If you are in there, please fight" I yelled going for another attack, but Hades grabbed a hold of my blade. He lifted me off the ground and threw me towards a tree making me loose the grip around my sword. A sharp pain went through my blood as I felt blood drip from my teeth. My vision was getting blurry as a sharp cough fell over me. 

"to think a weakling like you is related to this powerful girl" Hades marked. He took a tight grip around my neck and pressed me against the tree. 

"I might be weak, but at least I have the brains to make up for it" I said with smirk on my face. Surprise covered his face as a pipe was being drilled through his heart from behind him. He turned around meeting face to face with Ukitake. 

"what how did you" he mumbled as Hana's body collapsed into Ukitakes arms. The black tiger vanished into thin air, just as Renji was about to slice through it. 

Hana POV

"don't worry Hana, everything is going to be alright" a soft voice said as a bright light surrounded me pulling me out of the dark. 

I could feel warmth pressing against my body and the sound of a calming heartbeat. 

"she is waking up" a voice said which I recognized as Renji. My eyes were meet with the light from the moon.

"are you alright, Hana-san" a warm voice said when I looked up I noticed that I was being carried by Ukitake. My cheeks went pink as my heart pounded wildly, while he looked down at me with his soft smile. I came him a slight nod, since no words would escape my mouth. Renji leaned in from the side and a grin came on his face as he moved his hands through my hair. 

"great to see you again Hana, everyone has been missing you" he said cheerfully.

"Hey Renji, I allowed Ukitake to touch my sister not you" Mayuri snapped grabbing onto Renji uniform and glaring at him. 

"sorry captain" he mumbled which made brother release him. Onii-chan was supported by a body with orange hair while Rukia had her shoulders underneath Renji. All of them were covered in bandages, both even so they were all smiling. 

"what happened" I asked confused at the scene. 

"wait you don't remember" Renji questioned

"no" I answered. A sigh came from brother as he said "I am not surprised Hana lost he memory, the same thing happened last time, she will remember in a few days, both for now you should rest sister", while he pointed at me. 

"don't worry, Hana I will be with you until you wake up, so just go to sleep" Ukitake whispered into my ear. I leaned myself against his chest feeling the warmth of his body against my body. A cozy feeling came over me and before everything was dark again, but this time it was a warm darkness and not a cold one.  

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