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When Night Falls Chapter 2: Kai

I finally stopped running when I hit gloomy forest. It was dark and I was sure there were tons of wild animals in here but I wasn't scared of anything. I ran into the depths of the forest and didn't stop until I couldn't see anything but the darkness around me. My head was pounding so bad, my chest was heaving for air and the spots were forming in my eyes again. I felt something drip down into my shoulder. I look down to see blood. I touched the back of my head to feel a cut, with blood seeping from it. That bastard must have kicked me in my head. My vision started to blur and I started to feel dizzy. I fell down in the cold ground of the forest and started to black out. But before I did I saw a face floating above mine staring down at me. I couldn't make it out but I could tell it was a boy.

"Hang in there" He said, before the darkness took over me.


I woke up in a place that was not in the forest. My vision started to clear and I could clearly see the white walls and the blinding ceiling light.

"Your okay" I heard a voice say. I look up to see I was in the arms of a smoking hot guy who had curly brown hair, hazel colored eyes, tan skin and was really muscular up top. He looked at me smiling. I sat up and looked around the room. I was laying on a cot with a hospital blanket over me. Next to me were more cots with blankets at the end. There was a man in scrubs standing at the sink, washing his hands.

"Where am I?" I croaked. The guy hopped of the cot I was laying on. He was about 6'0, dressed in some shorts, a t-shirt and some sneakers. He was very good looking.

"Your in the infirmary. I found you in the forest passed out. You have some bruises and a mild cut in your head which Jarvis here patched up for you." The guy spoke, patting the guy dressed in scrubs on the shoulder. The guy turned around. He was older around 2o something with mocha colored skin and short dark brown hair.

"You also have a bit of a sprained wrist. Try not to overdo yourself" Jarvis said. I looked down at my left wrist which was lightly bandaged up. Jarvis slipped a sling over my shoulder and placed my wrist inside.

"Just keep it in there for a few days and you should be good. Take these painkillers for your head" He said, handing me a bottle of pills. I took them and looked up at the guy.

"Who are you? What is this?" I asked.

"Well I'm Kai. Kai Connors. I see you have questions. Maybe I should take you to see my uncle." He took my good hand, helping me out of the cot. I stood up to see my clothes had been changed. I had on a Hospital t-shirt and some white pants and slippers.

"Don't worry. A girl changed your clothes. We had to check you for anymore injuries. Come on. My uncle's office is right down the hall. Not a far walk from here." Kai guided me out of the Infirmary and down the hall. The hall had lockers on the walls and three doors on either side of the hall. I assumed that this was some kind of school. We walked into the forth door of the hallway labeled Office. He led me inside to an empty desk and another door. He knocked on the door and I heard a voice say come in.

"Uncle, Our lost friend has awoken" Kai said, stepping in the office, guiding me behind him. There was a guy, sitting behind a big brown desk sorting threw a bunch of papers and writing something down. He had a full face of facial hair but it made him look good. He had black graying hairs was wearing a black and gray suit. He looked up at me with the same eyes as Kai had. He looked strongly build like Kai and strong prominent features. He looked like he could be a leader of some sort. His skin was paler than Kai's but you could tell they were related.

"How are you feeling?" He spoke. His voice was loud and strong when he spoke.

"Umm.. Fine" I replied.

"Good, have a seat." He said, motioning towards the two chairs that faced the front of his desk. I sat in one and Kai sat in the other. The man smoothed his suit and sat down.

"I'm Demetrius and you are?" He said.

"Lyric Hathaway, sir." He nods.

"I was a bit concerned when Kai brought you in last night. You had injuries that weren't normal. How did you get them, Miss Hathaway?" Demetrius questioned. I didn't want to tell them I had been abused. It was something I wasn't ready to share.

"I fell down the stairs." I lied.

"And got a black eye?" Demetrius asked. I didn't respond. I just looked down into my lap.

"Well, all within good time I suppose, Miss Lyric. Welcome to my school. This school was originally built in 1957 but I found it when Kai was just 10 years old and renewed it into a school/home for runaways and orphans. Anyone who feels like the have no where to go, come here. Not many people know about it because we are in the depths of the woods. Kai goes out and finds anyone in trouble and brings them back here. We are a very accepting place. Now I'm offering you a place here, Lyric. If you would like to stay. If not, Kai will take you back home." He said. I could admit that he gave a good speech. It was hard to say no.

"I would like to stay. I have no parents. My mother is dead and my father disappeared year ago. I have no other place to go" I say. He gives a small smile than stands up, offering his hand to shake. I stand up and take it. He shakes it and says:

"Welcome to my school, Lyric Hathaway"

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