Secrets and a Solved Case

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When Night Falls Chapter 10:

Secrets and A solved case.

It had been almost two days since the Christmas ball & Christine's disappearance. The day after she ran away, a search team was set up because there was no luck finding her at night. After searching the whole Sunday, there was sign of Christine anywhere. Today was Monday and the mood was kind of gloomy. Everyone walked the halls as if all of their mothers had died. Kelly had been excused from classes for the day due to Christine. 

Kai and I were getting closer despite the fact that I knew he was hiding something about his full moon allergy. I didn't ask him just in case it was personal. For the past two days, he had tried to pay attention to me but with the whole situation going on it was hard.  He apologized for being so distant but I told him that I understood. Despite the time he been away, he made it up by taking me out for lunch and he bought me this pretty necklace with a paw print on it. It was real gold and it hung on a thin gold chain. Whenever you tilted a certain away, it would glisten and sparkle. I loved it so much that I haven't took it off since he bought it. Kai tries his best to be sweet to me but I can tell there is certain stuff that he doesn't want me to know.

Another day passes and it's Tuesday. A search team would be leaving school later after classes to search for Christine some more. Right now, I was in library. Last I saw was that Kai had to talk to his uncle about something. I was sitting on the library computers when I decided to look up more about Kai's allergy. I typed in the search bar:

"Allergy to the full moon" Only one came up. It was talking about a book about mystical creatures written by a man named Walter Phillips initialed "When Night Falls" I looked it up in the library's book search and it popped up. It said it would be in the fiction section under Phi. I logged off and went up to the front desk. The lady who was sitting there was older with gray hair and glasses attached to a thin sliver chain.

"Hi, I'm looking for a book called "When Night Falls By Walter Phillips" I say. The lady nods, typing it into the computer.

"Ahh yes. Follow me." She said, walking into the section of books. There were tons of tall shelves full of different books. Most of them were dusty and old but others were newer. We ended up in the P section and she scanned her finger across the books until she reached and grabbed a medium sized book.

"Here you go" She said, placing it my hand. It was brown, thick and had a gold name plate on the outside. It said:

"Open at your own risk." I thanked the librarian just as the bell rung. I checked out the book and headed to my room. I was pretty sure Kai would be with the search team right now so I was alone for the next few hours. I took off my brown moccasins and set them in my closet. I was so cold that I turned on my heat and grabbed a sweater that was hanging on the back of the door. I laid on my bed and pulled the book out and opened. The pages were old and the copyright date read: 1875. The first page was a diary entry.

December 30th, 1875.

"Today I came across something suspicious. It was something I found in my dads keepsake. After 10 years of searching, I had finally found his key. Inside of the chest, was a bunch of papers but I came across a letter. It was to my parents but who it was from was a mystery. It said:

"Martha & Anthony,

Your time is up. You have ran for long enough and now your price must be paid. You think that hiding Walter that I wouldn't be able to find you or him? Big mistake. You have played me for the last time and now it is time for you to pay. This has gone on long enough. You have put the whole pack in danger and your son also. You can run but you can't hide...


At first I didn't know what the letter meant but I knew somebody had murdered my mother and father when I was just ten years old. I had been too young too know but everyone told me it was an accident that our house burned down that night but I knew better. My parents were always on the run. They always snuck around and kept secrets. We were always moving, changing names and changing cities. I had never lived in one home for more then a year because he would always find us. His name was not to be spoken. Ever. Because once you would say it, you were dead. So we called him Alpha. As in the Alpha of the pack of werewolves. I know what your thinking. That I'm just crazy but I'm not. Because I was a half bread werewolf myself but I have kept it a secret this whole time or he would find me and kill me. Just like my parents...."

The entry ended and I flipped the next page. It was a second entry but Dated different.

January 3, 1876,

"I first found out about my abilities when I was only eight years old. My dad told me that I was different from other kids at school and that soon I would start to see. Sure enough I did. My first full moon came out that night. My teeth started changing, getting sharper and pointer and my arms and face got hairier. I slowly started shifting. It was the most painful experience I had ever been through but my parents were with me every step of the way. My mother was a human so she didn't know what it felt like to go through this kind of pain. My dad told me that after the first few times, the pain would stop. My bones had to get used to shifting and it would get better. It did. After the first three times of shifting, I didn't feel anything anymore. My father told me that I couldn't tell anyone about my ability or they would call me a freak. I agreed. It was fun being this way. There were the ups like I could run faster than anyone else, I could smell the school lunches a mile away from the school and I could see even the tiniest cricket and a big field. I didn't need my glasses anymore and I could hear child's cry from three houses over. I was inhuman. I could heal really fast. One time I broke my arm when I was nine riding my bike and it healed within the same hour. No need for a hospital anymore. The only down side was that once a month during the full moon, I couldn't go outside. I had to do this for once a month until I was 18 years old. I would be full form and I could control when I shifting by then. Until then, my body would prepare itself to shift whenever I wanted. I didn't mind shifting now that it didn't hurt. I liked staying in my room and watching my change. "

January 4, 1876

I needed to know how my parents died. I knew by who but how? I thought we were indestructible. I researched at the library today. I learned that the only thing strong enough to kill a werewolf was werewolf venom. The same thing that courses through our veins was the same thing that could kill us. It couldn't just be anywhere. The strongest venom could be found in our three strongest claws. It had to be a scratch across the cheek with all three claws to kill us. It sounded easy but it was actually a lot harder than that. All three claws had to hit a certain vein in the cheek or else it wouldn't work. I understood what I had to do..." 

I stopped reading for now and closed the book. Kai was a werewolf? No it couldn't be. They aren't real. Then I heard shrill screaming coming from the first floor. I slid on my slippers and ran out the door. There were kids all rushing downstairs and some were standing around crowding around Kai and his uncle. Demetrius was holding something in his arms but I couldn't quite make out what it was. I pushed past the crowd of kids to see Kelly screaming and crying bloody murder on the floor in front of Demetrius's feet.

"Oh no! Christine! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She screamed. I was close enough to see what it was. In Demetrius's arms was the cold and limp body of what was Christine. She was dressed the same way she was the night she had gone missing. The weird thing was is that there were three long slash marks down her right cheek and from then on I knew her death was no accident.

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