Chapter 10: The Fight

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You walk into your room and have a shower, you let the hot water massage your back. You got out, dried yourself and got dressed. You wore red tartan shirt, black ripped jeans and black boots with a heel, you thought you looked really cute in this outfit. You did your makeup, eyeliner, mascara and a little lipstick,
"Hmm should I curl my hair?" You said to your self
"'Ehh, I might die. If I'm going to die, I might as well look pretty"
You curled your (H/C) hair perfectly then ruffled it, and swept it to the side.
"Ready!" You said to Tony as you closed your door and walked into the kitchen to get breakfast. You grabbed a bowl, some cereal and milk, you started eating as you walked into the living room and sat on the couch.
Tony walked in and said
"You had better hurry up because we need to fly to Germany"
"What!?" You shouted, nearly spitting out your cereal "why Germany?"
"Because that is where Steve and his team are now" he said
"Is the rest of your team already there?" You ask
"Yeah" Tony said "except spiderman-" Tony covered his mouth with his hand
"Spiderman eh" you said smirking "is that the guy from Queens?"
"Yeah" Tony said "I was going to keep it a surprise but its too late now"
"Never mind" you say as you finish your cereal and take it into the kitchen.
"Right get in your suit and let's go"
Tony said walking to the workroom,
You ran down behind him and got into your suit. You flew outside and followed Tony.

(2 hours later)
*WARNING- this part might have some language in it so be prepared*

"Woah that took a while" you say as you land and take your helmet off
"Why are we at an airport?"
"Because Steve is going to steal that jet" he points at a jet hidden around the corner "oh my god. There he is"
You look down to see Captain America with his team, they look like they are discussing something
"Let's go down" he said
"What!? Tony are you crazy, no one else is here to help us" you said
"Don't worry they will be here soon" he said as he put his helmet back on and flew down. You put your helmet back on and flew down next to him and to your surprise you see people stand next to you and Tony in a line. Tony was stood in the middle, you stood to the left of him,
"Hey everybody" you say waving
"Hey sweetie" says a woman with red hair. She looked really badass and she was really kind "I'm Natasha"
"I'm (Y/N)" you say smiling "Hey dude, why are you dressed like a cat?"
"Oh my god (Y/N), you don't ask someone that" Tony said face-plaming
"Hehe sorry" you laugh nervously.
Steve's team lined up opposite our team, Tony took his helmet off
"I don't want to do this Steve" he said "just sign it"
"No" Steve replied " it's not the right thing"
Tony sighed. You took your helmet off too "Tony really?" Steve sighed "your recruiting kids now?" He pointed at you. This annoyed you somehow
"Hey! I am not a kid!" You shouted at him
"Put your helmet back on" Tony said quietly. You did as he said.
"Ok then, lets do this." Tony shouted "UNDEROOS!"
A guy in a tight red and blue suit flipped in, stole Cap's shield and landed
"OHHHH GET REKT" you shouted. Everyone looked at you
"Heh sorry"
"Hey everyone" he said as he landed
"Hello" you said and waved.
Tony put his helmet back on "alright let's do this."
The guy known as Spiderman stood next to you as the two teams got closer and closer. Everyone started running "They're not stopping" said Spiderman "And neither are we" Tony replied, now flying. You started flying too "You can go for falcon" you heard Tony say "Ok" you reply as you fly to falcon, you shoot at him with your blaster but miss "ugh really? I don't want to fight a little kid" he said
"I'm not a little kid ok" you say getting slightly annoyed "I'm (your chosen age) actually, so I'm far from a kid"
"Ehh alright whatever" he says as he flies at you. Just before he gets to you you fly up so he goes past you then you blast him. He hits the ground with a loud bang, he's unconscious.
You looked around to see if anyone needed help, Tony was fighting Bucky, you flew down low and punched Bucky in the face with all your might. He stumbled backwards but got back up again, you had landed by Tony, ready to fight again but T'Challa tackled Bucky to the ground. Tony suddenly pushed you with all his strength, you fell on the floor,
"Hey! Tony why did yo-" you were cut off because cars were pouring down on Tony. He tried to dodge them but one hit him and he was stuck underneath a pile of cars
"TONY!!" you shouted, suddenly cars started raining down on you. You saw that Scarlett witch was the cause of it, you got hit by a car but landed on your feet, you caught a car and threw it at Scarlett witch. Steve jumped in front of her and protected her with his shield, you kept throwing cars from the pile that was on top of Tony until you could see him. You dragged him out and checked his pulse. He still had one. You dragged him around the corner and out if harms way until he woke up, suddenly Steve hit you with his shield. Scarlett witch had picked him up with her power and thrown him at you. You fell over, you were pretty sure your nose was bleeding. You stood up, standing your ground. Steve was in a 'come at me I'm ready to fight' position but you just stood there. He tried to punch you in the head but you ducked and punched him in the stomach, you then kicked him in the chest so he fell onto the floor "are you actually going to fight me or what?" You say in a bored tone
"Because frankly, I'm not impressed"
You walked away but out of the corner of your eye you saw him get up and run up behind you, he jumped to kick you in the head but you ducked, turned around and caught his leg. You threw him as hard as you could into a nearby aeroplane. You dusted off your hands and went to check on Tony but Spiderman ran up to you "That. Was  amazing" he said enthusiastically
"Uhh thanks" you said "behind you"
"What?" He said turning around, Bucky was trying to sneak behind us so he just tied him up with his web
"How did you do that?" You asked
"Well," he said "long story short, i was bitten by a radioactive spider"
"Oh, ok" you replied a but stunned
"So what about you?" He asked "have you got a power?"
"Umm... No" you said a bit embarrassed "Tony came to my school and he saw me take down 3 bullies and then he decided he wanted me to fight"
"Nice!" He said " and umm, not to be creepy or anything but what is your name?"
"(F/N), (F/N) (L/N)" you said "what's yours?"
"Sorry i can't tell you that, no one must know my identity" he said
"Oh uhh ok" you replied sheepishly.
Tony woke up and came around the corner "glad to see you two getting along" he said "yeah yeah whatever" you said as you turned around the see antman but giant "HOLY SHIT!" you and Spiderman say together
"Well this is going to be fun" you say as you fly to him.
You fly around him with Tony and War Machine, suddenly War Machine gets hit by something and falls, Tony flies down next to him while you try to blast Antman. Spiderman is swinging around him and tying his legs together with his web.
"Quick (Y/N) push him ove-" Spiderman got cut off as he was slapped away by Antman, he hit the ground hard. You were relieved to see him move, and you flew into Antman as hard as you could. He wobbled and fell. As he was falling he grabbed you and threw you at an aeroplane, you hit it with great force and fell onto the floor near spiderman.
You got up but you were a bit dazed, you walked over to Spiderman
"Hey are you o-" you were cut off by him pushing you, you hit your head on the ground "'oww that hurt, why did you do that?"
He pulled his mask down
"Oh! I'm so sorry" he said pulling you up " I couldn't let you see my face"
"I wouldn't know who you were even if I saw your face you dummy" you said "and now my head really hurts"
"Heh sorry about that" he said rubbing the back of his neck.
You gasp "look it's Steve! He's trying to get to the jet!" You yell "we've got to stop him!" You get up and fly towards him but Falcon kicks you in the head, you hit the ground and everything goes black...

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