How Have You Been

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Two men sat on a park bench looking relaxed and peaceful while watching the lake in front of them. Both had their hands inside their jacket pockets and their every breath showing the icy coldness that surrounded them. The sunlight setting around them gave off a soft glow with mixing the dark hues of blue, purple, and orange towards the almost starry sky.

No one uttered any words and they let the silence speak. They sat there contemplating what to say or do next. Time passed slowly and soon the lamp lights flickered as their surrounding grew darker.

The man wearing a grey jacket decides to move first and he takes out something from his left pocket. Cradled in his hand was a ring on top of a gloved hand. The person's hand held out the ring to person sitting to his left.

Next to him, the man dressed in black jacket with a white knitted hat, and scarf, felt the person the other man shift around so he looked up. Upon gazing at the other man, he stares at the ring on a leather gloved hand. Flashes of memories from the past that was long buried surfaced.

"Johnny..." says the man wearing black jacket. After uttering his name, Johnny takes the other person's gloved hands, and inserted the ring on the ring finger.

Johnny let out shaky breath and whispered, "Timmy." He paused while looking at Timmy's hand. "I'm giving it back."

Between the two no one had said anything after wards. Timmy just stares at the ring on his finger as he quietly let his tears fall. It was the same ring that John had given him during the time of promises and shared space. Despite the coldness, Timmy doesn't have the heart to cover it with his gloves. Without any word, Johnny gets up and starts walking back to the same path he had taken to sit on the bench.

"Johnny!" yelled Timmy.

Hearing Timmy yell his name again had his heart skip. He doesn't take another step, but his body won't turn.

Timmy continued to confess.

"I'm sorry that I left," Timmy stands up "But you knew I had to leave." He starts walking to John while taking off the other gloved from his other hand. "We couldn't be together at that time you know that." Now he's a few feet away from Johnny, almost within arms reach.

Sensing Timmy behind him and hearing his voice so near, John's heart clenches. Not uttering a single word at all, his back still facing Timmy, but knowing very well of Johnny's personality, Timmy takes a couple more steps forward, and hugged Johnny's back.

"Johnny, I loved you back then, and I still love you, now."

Letting out a deep breathe he didn't know he was holding, Johnny takes Timmy's hand. Both hands grasped at the fear of one letting go. "I have never stop loving you. Even these three years had passed. You were in my heart all the time." The last sentence was whispered so only Johnny could hear, despite being the only ones in the area.

Like a dam breaking free, Johnny and Timmy, let the tears fall. It had gathered but became waves of emotions. Relief came through them, as if they were holding something buried in their heart. Turning around, Johnny engulfs Timmy's smaller stature in a crushing hug, one hand wraps around Timmy's body to his head, while the other around the waist. Johnny's chin rested in crook of Timmy's neck, breathing in the familiar smell he remembers.

Johnny moved to Timmy's ears, and whispered, "I love you till the end of time. My soul will be forever intertwined with yours. All this is due to fate, and I forever thank the stars and the moon, for they have gave me the light to carry you in my heart, always."

Everything was out in the open. Their mind, soul, and heart bared open for everyone to see, hear, and feel. As Johnny and Timmy gaze at each others' eyes, the longing and love can swirled into their body. Moving inch by inch to each other's face, their lips touched. The tenderness and care for each other passes through their lips, warming them both. Without a care in a world, the two hold hands as they walked through the empty park, with only the bright moonlight shining their path.

Three years had passed but to Johnny and Timmy, it seemed as if a decade had gone by. The longing and pain they suffered gone in an instant as soon as they saw each other. Even more that they've finally let their feelings be free. Although they were separated their promise to love each other till they no longer breathe and open their eyes never wavered. A promise of eternal love until the next life, lasting for eternity. Uttering within their heart to each other, 'In my mind, my soul, and my heart, I only care about you.'


Edited some things out.

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