Father's Love and Cautionary Advise

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Dinner had ended on a good note for everyone. Natasha had retired early since she was drained from her excursion with Simon for his campaign. Jessica and Sheryl decided to stay for the night, after the quad walked as they toured around the house with Timmy. The two women chose a closer guest room, near to Johnny's and Timmy's room. Currently, the couple are in Timmy's room, having a grand time, and conversing on what transpired during lunch time.

Meanwhile, Johnny is on his way, walking towards his father's study. As he made a bunch of twist and turns, Johnny ended up at a double oak tree door. He knocked against the thick wooden door and waited to be let in. After a minute, Simon called in for his son.

Upon twisting one of the doorknob, Johnny slightly opened the door, letting himself in. His strides were shorter than when he was going to his father, but that didn't lose Johnny's confidence in confronting Simon.

"Good evening, dad." Johnny sent an acknowledgement on to Simon. "Are you finish with your documents?"

Nodding, Simon said, "I'm almost done. Take a seat and wait for me, in about five minutes I'll be done. Just need to sign some lines, and send these files to Philippe."

Johnny takes a seat on one of the two cushioned single chairs near the built in fireplace. He grabbed a decanter of brown liquid, placed one large cube of ice in his glass cup, and poured a two finger measure in it. After two sips, he placed them back and waited for his father patiently to join him by the fire.

In those five minutes, Johnny had finish four finger sizes of the scotch. Johnny was pretty buzzed up from waiting, but still has enough composure within his father's office study. But as any alcoholic drink with a high percentage of being imbibed, Johnny was flushed face and expressing sense of joy.

His thoughts drifted to the moment he shared with Timmy this evening. A large smile came upon his lips, as he stared at burning wood from the fireplace. He was startled by the voice that sat next to him.

"I'm done, son. Son?" A concerned Simon asked called out to Johnny. "Are you okay? It looks like you took too much of that scotch, there." There was a deadpan expression crossed on the patriarch as Simon could only shake his head in disapproval.

"Well, waiting is always good with a little alcohol." A derp face appeared on Johnny as he never lost his eye contact with the flaming wood.

Signing, Simon questioned his son again. "Johnny, we can always talk tomorrow early in the morning. You should retire early. It can wait for another day on whatever you have to say. You don't look like you're in the right mind to talk right now."  

Straightening himself up, Johnny laid his back on the backrest of the leather chair. He became somber in seconds as he look straight to his father's eyes. "I'm fine, Dad. It's just I wanted to talk to you, again. I have lots of concern that I've been meaning to have a conversation with you." His right hand reached for the glass with the last remnants of the alcoholic beverage, but Simon swatted his son's hand. Johnny sent his father a mixture of sheepish and annoyed look, but the harsh lines on his father's face stopped him.

"Anyways," cleared Johnny's trachea. "Dad, I... I don't know where to start or how to say this, but I think I might be gay... ?" The brows on his forehead lessened their distance as the corner of Johnny's mouth were pulled own. "Uh. If you decided to disowning me, I.. I'm ready. Just say the word."

There were mix emotions flashing through Simon's face, but Johnny's confession put a large beam with flashing pearl teeth on Simon's face. He clapped a hand on his son's back as he chuckled softly. "I'm so glad you've started opening up to me, once more. Son, I've been campaigning this year, with Natasha, you, and I. We have been to many meetings with families, and situations and cases. I know for a fact that a person's gender or sexual preferences towards same sex or opposite gender doesn't mean it makes them bad or good. It simply makes them human since loving another other than themselves is one of the capabilities of a human being."  

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