Trouble and Exposed

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Everyone had calmed down from the hype of filming, their friends wanted to stay with the couple. Jessica and Sheryl decided to end the party earlier after the tiring questions and answer with their fans and with her friends.

Half of the group went out to buy food and drinks. The people that stayed to clean up was Johnny, Jessica Timmy, and Sef.

"What game do you suggest we should play then?" Asked Jessica. "I got board games, and I got all kinds of console games. I got the latest Tekken, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, or play old games like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter. There's also RP games."

Bai's ears perked at the titles of old console games. He begged Jessica to let him play the game. "Please, let me play the Street Fighter. It's been a long time for me since mine broke. It's been about ten years..."

"Sure, they're next to the television." Pointing to where the drawers, Jessica gave him the keys so he could unlock them.

As Bai played, soon he was joined by Lily, Sef, and Jessica. The rest busied themselves in cleaning up the film equipment.

"Hey, Jessica," Called out the voice of Lance.


"My cousins are visiting me, right now. They wanted to meet up with me, but I don't wanna go to them. So can they come?"

Nodding her head, Jessica said, "Sure, as long as they're not noisy and aren't troublemakers."


Half an hour later, the rest of the group are bored from watching Bai beat Lance, Lily, Johnny, and Sheryl in the game. Just as Jessica  about to hit a button on the game controller, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," said Sheryl, already standing. After a minute, she yelled. "Your cousins are here, and they brought their boyfriend with them."

Before, Lance's cousin could be introduced, along with their partner, Timmy stood up to go to the restroom.

With his hands clean, Timmy dried it with the soft bath towel placed on the metal bar. He check his appearance and fix his hair, fluffing it with his hands. A once look over of his mirror image, he exited from the bathroom to rejoin the everyone.

In his line of sight was someone he thought he would never see, again. A tall and shaggy blonde hair dressed in a casual clothes was seated on one of the long leather seats.

"Mark?" Muttered Timmy under his breath in a disbelief.

Jessica heard him. She motioned everyone to introduced Timmy to the new faces that seemingly knew Lance.

"Timmy, you're here." Said Lance. Pointing to the two women and their boyfriend, he introduced them. The man sitting next to one of the girl unknown to him, looked at his way. His eyes widened upon seeing Timmy.

"Timmy... Didn't know I could find you among these people," said the man called Mark.

One of the girls whispered to Mark's ears. "Yeah, babe. Don't worry I'm not going to start anything."

"Ch! There's always troubled when you're around." Timmy scoffed at the person he called Mark.

"Get over it. The past is past." Mark said with a grin. "She was a slut to begin with, and money hungry. Thank God, I saw for what she is."

Due To Fate [Boys Love Story] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now