Chapter Thirty Four: Sweet Dreams

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Chapter Thirty Four: Sweet Dreams

As Timmy laid his head down on the plump pillow, his mind would not forget Johnny's declaration of his feelings for him. Staring at the darkened room, the words that was said to him were not easily forgotten. Johnny's voice won't stop replaying as if its a broken record player.

The time stretched forever like the Nile's river flows. Thoughts of his were filled with the man he had met in a short time. The constant repeat of Johnny's proclamation of his affections towards Timmy never left even when he had fallen to sleep.

Timmy's heavy eyelids finally closed from the exhaustion of his overworked mind. His once fast paced breathing became deep and even. Soon, he entered into a REM stage, a deep sleep that uses high frequency of energy and brain wave activities. The once even breathes and steady heart rate became dynamic and erratic. Eventually, his mind starts showing scenes in haziness, conceivably from the past events or his brain making things up.

The first few scenes were like the freshwater stream the moment his dreams became prominent. It wasn't a high definition picture, but for Timmy he didn't need it to be.Everything he has seen had already happened and experienced it.

Everything so far was a replay of all the times he and Johnny spent time together. The beginning was filled with discernible hostility with each other. That carried on as the scene shifted to Timmy in the mall, watching Johnny and his friends having fun. As the memory of staring at Johnny's face kept coming, a feeling he had been suppressing had resurface.

These emotions he is experiencing had intensified as the memories fast forwarded. More flashes of Johnny and him eating inside the campus compound with sumptuous food, them breaking and entering to the Wong's house, and attending Spencers' Yearly Gala. Timmy blushed at the bombardment of the many kisses that happened between him and Johnny.

The scene changes to himself and Johnny walking through trees and into a dilapidated garden. One of the striking scenes that imprinted to his brain was his conversation with Johnny in his mother's garden. As this particular scene replayed, under the moonlight, he remembered the other man's face filled with interest as Johnny stared intently while listening to his life stories. Watching the person's eyes gleamed as he opened up more made Timmy realized that Johnny is genuine with his feelings for him.

More scenes of this past week came by him. Scenes of him eating with Johnny, whether it be at the Spencers Manor or at the school's cafeteria, playing games on the entertainment room with Johnny, and both men walking around the next city or at the school's ground. The two fooled around, sometimes physically wrestling each other or the two would study together, despite having different subjects and major. As he watched everything, he mulled over the things he just encountered.

His round and full brown eyes started to water the moment an idea hit him.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself in the dream.

A sudden big flash, and the feeling of falling from the sky almost woke him up from his dream. Instead, Timmy felt he was transported into something ethereal looking place. At first the area surrounding him were all black, until the lights starts appearing in spots. Soon, those spots turned full blown showing the room he was in.

As he blinks away the blackness, Timmy sees himself kneeling down on one knee in front of toddler who appears to be in the same age as his cousin, Gavin. The little kid also had the appearance, but he had black hair and clear green eyes with fair milky skin. Against, Timmy they looked like they were father and son.

"Uncle Timmy, I don't see Uncle Johnny." The little boy's brows knitted on his adorable chubby face with his tilting head. His thin lips pursed as the boy stared into the older man's dark brown eyes. This actions of the little boy gave Timmy the impulse to pinch his cheeks. Fortunately, he didn't want to get scolded by the child and Johnny again, so he resisted the urge.

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