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Fearing for his life after hearing the word you, Timmy quickly gets up. His feet running as if hellhounds were after him, leaving the tray and other contents on the floor. Johnny stares at the retreating back of the person who had purposely bump him.

Johnny thought to go after the person who had ran away and beat him up till uconscious, but knew that it was a wrong thing to do. Imprinting the person's face in his mind, he made sure to find everything about him, not letting him get away after what he had done. So instead of running after Timmy, he calmly wipes the rest of the stain on his face, and glares at his laughing friend.

"Instead of laughing why don't you guys clean up the mess. I'll be back," ordered Johnny while pointing at the tray and paper plates. Shaking their heads, Johnny's friend picked up the mess that was left by the run away. The three friends thought the person was lucky he had ran away before Johnny did something bad. Picking up the trays and plates on the floor, they all put it on the respective receptacle and waited for Johnny.

Going straight for the sink, Johnny turns on the facet and washes his hands. Taking off his shirt, he turns the water to hot and let it run over. He gets a couple of tissues from a dispenser and started cleaning up the sticky residue from the sauces. Checking in the mirror for any fluids, he ran his wet hands over it twice. Using some soap from the soap dispenser, he went to work and started rubbing his clothes. It took about half an hour to clean the shirt and to dry it using the hand dryer.

Johnny's face showed grim expression with his eyebrows pushed together as he exited out the comfort room. His friends were standing next to a bubble tea stall, drinks in their hands and were conversing in a calm manner this time. One of them sees Johnny walking towards them and pointing his chin to the glowering person.

"Let's go."

The four left in separate cars going home to their respective home. After getting home, Johnny goes straight to the bathroom, stripped off his clothes, and showered away the rest of the mess that was left. When he was done, he went to put his dirty clothes in the washer, and went to start working his work. The washer buzzed, giving Johnny some break from his school work and went to put the wet garments inside the dryer.

His stomach growled, so Johnny went to his kitchen and ate some cereal and milk on a bowl. Today's thoughts kept going back to the person who had disturbed him from his sleep this morning, and this afternoon, getting hit by sauce and staining his clothes leaving the sticky feeling on his skin. Shuddering at what happened, he took out his phone out of his pocket and starts to dial someone's numbers.

"How may I help you Mr. Spencer?" Questioned the person on another line.

A smirk formed on his mouth saying, "I need you to find someone's information. He..."

Exactly a week had passed since that fateful day. Another bright Thursday morning holed up in the auditorium for three hours. This time Johnny was extra early; getting to school an hour before class his first class started. Dressed in black printed shirt, bleached blue jeans, and black sneakers, he sat in an empty room. Before doing anything, he checked his appearance on his phone. Combing his hair with, parting it to his left side in a messy style.

Next was his work for his coming class after this. He takes out a folder to make sure everything is all good. After looking at all his work he puts them back inside his bag, then texted his friends of their whereabouts.

There were not a lot of people in the room so his mind starts to wander about what happened last week. fiddling with his rings, a habit he does when he isn't doing anything particular, went to the phone call he got two days ago. From Tuesday till today, Johnny feels much better than last week, finally learned who the person that had gotten underneath his skin badly. This time, he wanted to know how he will react to what he is going to do to him.

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