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"Thank you for flying with Pacifica Airlines. Hope you enjoyed the flight."

Were the words uttered by the stewardesses as Timmy passed them by. He smiled back after seeing their smile, as polite as he can be. His teeth gritted as the migraine he experienced was very vexing.

Despite being in the first class, Timmy didn't get enough sleep due to a baby crying from the economy class. It was a nightmare as the baby didn't stopped crying until they were almost touching down. But, he wasn't that cruel enough to get up from his seat and shout cruel things to the parents of the kid, like somebody did during the flight.

Relief eventually came through him after going through many jumps and custom line. He went to the luggage area and immediately saw his baggage. Pulling it behind him, he exited the airport and hailed a taxi.

One appeared right away in front of him. The driver took his belongings and placed them in the trunk. Before he could go inside, he told the driver where his destination was. Entering quickly the yellow transport, Timmy took out his phone, and dialed a set of numbers. It rang and a male voice answered.

"Timmy!" Was the name that greeted him.

"Hey, Simon. How's it been?"

"Good, good." The other person paused then began talking again. "How about you, son? How was traveling all over the world?"

"Traveling was great, Simon. I'm actually back for good. And I'm on my way home now. I've got a favor to ask you." Timmy began to relay what he was planning.

Two hours later, Timmy walked through trees on a paved walk path. He found himself wearing thick clothes, black heavy jacket over his airport clothes. His white knitted hat covered his ears from the cold. He was gonna changed his airport clothes, but found he was running late for the surprised he had for one person. So he just borrowed his father's jacket and his sister's hat. 

Timmy found the spot he was supposed to wait and sat on a bench. In front of him was a frozen pond, the white ice formed from the winter weather. Breathing, he can see the condensation form in front of him. He had about fifteen minutes before the person he was going to meet would show up.

His thoughts drifting to how far he has come. Starting from when he was in high school to where he is now. So much he has gone through and he felt that he was at peace. All thanks to two people in his life. One was dead, but the other was alive and well on his way to meet him. That put a smile on his face as Timmy glance at his phone of the time.

Just as he places his phone back in his thick coat, he felt a presence next to him take a seat. A long and deep breath was inhaled as Timmy look next to him. The corners of his mouth pulled by the happiness he was feeling. His mind blank, so he didn't say anything for a while and let the silence fester.

The man that sat by his side was none other than Johnny Spencers, his three years of long distance relationship. He wore a long grey coat, thick enough to prevent his body from freezing to death. His earmuffs looked fluffy and warm over his ears.

Johnny shuffled to the side and slid one of his leather gloves hand in his pocket. The curious Timmy watched him grabbed a hold of something, wondering what was he looking for. Then seconds after the once fisted gloves hand opened and a ring shines under the street light on his leather palm. 

Their memories of together flashed as Timmy stared at the gold. From the beginning, how it all started, through the present time. His clear brown eyes began to tear up, and clenching his teeth with his fists. Heart racing, Timmy croaked, "Johnny..." 

But, Johnny gently grasped Timmy's hand, reaching for his ring finger. Steadily pulling the knitted gloves from Timmy's hands, he inserted the jewelry while uttering in shaky breath, "Timmy, I'm giving it back."

No one said anything to each other. Both men were afraid of what they could say at that moment. The tears that Timmy held back finally came down his cheeks. It was the ring his grandfather had given him and had given Johnny to hold as a promise of wait and love. The younger man couldn't bear to cover his hand despite the low temperature.

No words were exchanged, still, Johnny stood up and started making his way back from the same path he took. This prompted Timmy yell out for his lover, "Johnny, wait!" Just as he screamed for his lover's name, his heart beating faster than the normal rate. 

Hearing his name out of the lover that left him, Johnny stopped in his tracks. He stood still 

Timmy stood up and resumed letting out all his feelings and thoughts that had been festering inside him. "I'm sorry for leaving you, but I had to." His feet led him to walked towards Johnny, the other man's back still hadn't turned. Taking off his other knitted glove, Timmy softly whispered, "I loved you then, and I still now. I never stopped loving you. Even when these past three years of our lives passed, you've always been on my mind. My heart never wavered for you."

In that moment, Johnny's constraint didn't last after hearing Timmy's words. Tears that pooled in his eyes fell down his tanned cheeks, as Johnny faced the smaller man. Relief washed over them like waves crashing to the shoreline. Johnny's taller stature engulfed Timmy with his fierce embraced, the muscled arms wrapped around the neck and waist area. The sharp jaw and chin rested in the crook of Timmy's neck, breathing in the familiar smell.

Exhaling, Johnny's breathy lips moved to Timmy's ears. "Then 'till now, I loved you, too. My every being will be forever intertwined with yours. Everything that has happened and to now is due to fate. I'm forever thankful for the universe for letting me meet you. I'll always be your moonlight to your shining stars."

Their heart has finally spoken, freeing their mind, soul, and heart, bared for everyone to see, hear and feel for everyone. Letting their eyes meet, their gaze for each other exhumed longing with love. Tenderness melted with care as their lips met, warming their cold body. With no care for the world and their wagging tongues, the pair walked through the empty park. The moon with its twinkling stars shined their path. 

Although those three years seemed like a decade for Johnny and Timmy, the yearning desire and painstaking suffering they've gone through had disappeared. Despite the three years they were separated, their love never wavered. For their promise meant eternal love, lasting for eternity. The last thoughts that crossed in both men's head were few words, 'I only care about you, my love.'


A/N: Hey guys! Long time since I've updated. Sorry but IRL things and my procrastination happened. But, thank goodness I've finished this story! Now, I will be doing a big haul for this novel and lots of editing (maybe with a help from my sister. Maybe.) I will try to fix the plot holes and writing inconsistencies. Thank you for reading. I'm glad you guys stuck with me for. 

It has taken me about two years for this story to finish. I hope we get to finally see YuZhou together once more after this! Oh, and there's book two!!! 

Due To Fate [Boys Love Story] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now