Of Plots

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As the two get inside the car, Timmy couldn't help but relax after the scenario with Johnny's step-mom.

"So, where you off to today?" Asked Timmy to the driver.

Taking his eyes away at the road for a second, Johnny answered in monotonous tone. "Yeah, I'm going to Jessica's place. Then, going to have a lunch with the girls, Sef and Lance... Why you ask?"

Timmy took his eyes off the road and stared at his window. "I was just curious... So, about the dorm issue... Did you find any cheap apartment nearby I could stay for awhile?"

"I was thinking... Since my place is closer to the school, only about thirty minutes of driving, you can come and stay there until they've fixed the issue. You don't have to pay rent and you can catch a ride with," said Johnny, this time not leaving his eyes from the road.

Eyes wide at Johnny's proposal, Timmy questioned his motive. "Your kidding right? That's too good to be true."

"It is. But, it's an offer I'll give it to you on a price."

Johnny waited for Timmy to react, but this time the younger man was more calm. It left him feeling annoyed instead of the other person. "What price? I'll just look for another place if it's something like becoming your slave or maid."

Booming laughter rang inside the car. "You've got an active imagination there. If it was in another universe, maybe I'll do that, but no. Although, you've given me a good idea..."

Johnny's comment had Timmy rolling his eyes at him. He retorted in an impatient way. "Just tell me already!"

A grin popped up on Johnny's face. "Okay, I'll tell you. It's a win-win situation, actually. I'm going to be needing a photographer and journalism for a big project I'm planning. It's the reason why I'm going to see Jessica, Sef and Lance today. You see Sef, Jessica, Brandon, and I opened an orphanage for abandoned and abused kids. Some of them are from the broken system we have today. We give them the necessities they need, food and shelter, education, and family that they can be adopted into. Sef and I, mostly oversee everything in this foundation ever since Brandon left for Italy. Jessica and Lance are on the promotional aspect of the orphanage."

1The mouth of Timmy formed into an O shape hearing Johnny's explanation.

Breaking his concentration at a red light, Johnny glance at Timmy. "I'm hoping that I can get you on my team. You and Sheryl could work on the behind the scenes like recording things, documenting, and making videos of interviewing. Then when it comes to kids we're all going to be playing with and asking the children about their experiences in the new home, etc."

A car honked behind them signaling Johnny to drive again. He made a left turn to the family street of Timmy. "I'm hoping you get on board with us. That's the reason why I'm seeing my friends today. This will also help you get into a company or jobs in the future. It will look good on your resume." Adding the last part to make it even more an enticing offer, Johnny had parked his car in front of the Wong household.

"So what's your decision?" Johnny lingered for awhile waiting for Timmy's answer.

Seated on the passenger seat, Timmy contemplated on Johnny's propositions. It took him a while to get to his final decision, but he made up for it.

"I'll take your offer. "

Johnny nodded at Timmy.

"Let's shake on it, then."

The smile on Johnny's face almost blinded Timmy. As he held out a hand, both grabbed the others and shook hands. Then Johnny let the younger person leave the car, ducking over the door. . "Just so you know, you can't back out on this. I've set a mission and vision for this foundation. I've made a promise to all the children that I will find them a good home or family they can live with."

Due To Fate [Boys Love Story] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now