Drawings and Friends

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Drawings and Friends

I walked across the frosty driveway it's the first day of secondary school. I can't wait! The school is just around the corner from my house so I decided to walk, regretting my choice as I step out of the house.

'Cold, cold, cold!' I say through my chattering teeth almost biting my tongue. I hear a girl giggling and she's talking to someone older.

'Amy! You're so mean! Give me back my bag!' The younger one whines

'So you don't want me to carry it for you? Alice make up your mind.' The oldest laughs playfully

I giggle at them and start my journey, well, walk to the school. I hear the same two girls from earlier still whining and laughing about that bag. I sigh and walk down the lane to the school.


I enter the rather large building in awe looking around, it's much bigger than my primary school! I head over to the office pushing past girls my age and see a banner saying "Office" and I walk in.

'Hello there young lady, what's your name?' A lady asks me

'Winter Fullbuster,' I say rubbing my arm expecting to hear her laugh and disagree with me

'I see, ah! Here are your papers. Have a good day, Winter,' she smiles. I don't dare smile back I just nod and go to my first class.


There were boys and girls talking and talking and then the teacher walks in at looks at me with a faint smile, I look away and sit down.

'New girl, why don't you come and confront yourself.' The teacher says

Okay so I know I said it was my first day of secondary school but, it isn't it's my first day in a new school. I'm in secondary yes, but year 9, not 7.

'Oh my lord she has blue hair!' A girl squeals

'Yeah and those shoes totally compliment her! I wonder if she's rich!' Another one says

'She's hot,' a guy whistles and I can't help but blush

I stand at the front of the class. 'I'm Winter Fullbuster, I'm 13 and I am in year 9,' I say and walk back to my chair

'Okay everyone so, open up your pads and start drawing! I don't mind what it is, as long as it's appropriate!' The teacher says and all the boys groan

The guy next to me is cute, he has a similar hair colour to me but brighter and he catches me checking him out

'You checking me out snowflake?' He asks chuckling to himself as I turn a bluish-red

'My name is Winter, not snowflake.' I say trying to change the main subject

'Sorry, but, were you checking me out?' He laughs causing the class to stare at us, luckily the teacher went out to do something

'No!' I say punching his arm and he winces

'Feisty and adorable, just my type.' He smirks I roll my eyes and carry on drawing my Phoenix, it's all I ever draw now. I'm so good at it, I decided to make the wings look as if they were on fire

'Wow, Snowflake, that's great!' He beams and shows me his picture of a German Shepard

'That's great also,' I smile and he laughs as if I were crazy

'You're too kind,' he says pointing to the paw that went slightly lopsided

'Let me help,' I say and he nods pushing the pad towards me I finish the paw and it's just as he wanted it phew

'Thanks, Snowflake,' he grins and I smile ignoring the nickname he gave me in that sentence WINTER I thought as I smiled a bit wider

'So, what's your name?' I ask

'William Miles,' he half-smiles

'Okay, Willi,' I giggle and he presses his fingers into my sides causing me shock and I squirm in his grip

'Don't call me that,' he laughs and I fall back into my chair and I slap his chest

'Don't call me Snowflake then!' I giggle and he smiles causing me to feel confused

'On one condition,' he asks and I nod waiting for him to finish his sentence 'A kiss,' he smirks and I glare at him

'No chance!' I say and he laughs

'Okay then, snowflake,' he says with a large grin 'deals off,' he says

'If you call me snowflake I'll call you Willi!' I say

'You call me Willi, I'll give you that shock!' He smirks and I groan

'So you gonna kiss me or what?' He asks and I think for a moment then realising that a plan I think of will take to long

'Fine,' I say looking to the floor and he lifts my chin up cupping my cheek and pecks my lips

Everyone gasps as we pull apart and I blushed for the rest of the lesson and William whispering in my ear 'we kissed' and finally the torture was over


William is in the same class as me again and I blush as he sits next to me

'Don't blush! It ruins the fun!' He laughs and I turn to him and smirk kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush

'Now we're even little boy.' I giggle, seeing him blush was cute I admit but pain in the butt William is cuter and after that lesson it was break so I actually did some learning in this one


I got home and plunked onto my bed smiling because I had so many new friends and possibly, a boyfriend! I smiled at the thought as my mother walked in

'Hello, Winter,' Mother says

'Mother,' I groan knowing something is wrong. 'What did I do?' I ask

'This,' she smiles holding up a piece of paper, in other words my Phoenix I drew in school. I gasped and realised how good it was, the wings were on point, nothing wrong with it!

'Mother, may I have it?' I ask and she nods handing it to me. I take it gently and softly as if it were a baby. I smiled and hung it up on my wall, pleased with it.


BEST BOOK YET! Okay so this isn't the best but it's MY best. The Phoenix is a really good picture! Look at the very top!

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