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My sister hasn't said a word to me for weeks. I look at her bedroom door and shake my head, walking into my parents' room. I see my mother drawing, her usual weekend ritual.

I look to see what she's drawing but I can't make out what it is. It looks like some sort of baby. I don't understand why she'd draw one though.

'Emma have you seen my wal- oh hi Winter.' My dad says, his arms folded. 'What did we tell you about sneaking up on your mother?' He says and I look to the floor

'Sorry, Papa.' I mumble walking out and into my room heading over to my desk. I remember Natsu's death. I slap my forehead to try and forget it but it doesn't work.

~ flashback ~

'Natsu? Natzu!' A little girl says, tuning towards the pink haired Mage.

'Hey, Winter!' He responded 'How's it going?' He continued

'Good! Papa has been busy with the other twins, he still has fun with me and Summer though! Mama has been stressed about the new mission,' she explains to her friend

'I see, your father doesn't have to come, me and Lucy can handle it.' He says, looking gleeful at the young Mage. Hoping that she'd want to play. He'd been waiting to see his niece for a while now.

'Wanna play? I wanna play football again! It was so much fun!' She squealed

'Of course!' He replied, going to get his football.

Young Winter followed, her silk blue hair waving behind her. Her uncle looking both ways yet Winter just walked out into the road, before she knew it she was pushed on to the pavement

'Natsu? Oh no... Natsu!' She runs over to the Mage, his eyes pure white and his hand reaching up to the sky

'No! Natsu!' She cried and fell to the floor, holding his hand waiting for an ambulance or some sort of agency thing.

~ flashback over ~

'No... Natsu!' I cry and bang my head on the table, trying to get the image from my brain, I'm shaking. I don't like this. I hate this.

My sister runs into the room like a maniac, gaping for breath.

'What's wrong?' Summer asks, grabbing my arm, shaking me, making me cry harder.

'I'm the reason why Natsu lost his life! I'm the reason why!' I scream at her my eyes red and puffy

'Sister, it was a mistake. We all make them.' She says, pulling me into a hug, I want to push her away but I need someone to comfort me


It's been a week since I cried. My parents did nothing to help me, they just stayed in their room, talking and talking as if I never existed!

'Sister, why didn't mum or dad come and comfort me when I was crying?' I ask and she sighs, looking at the floor

'Because, Natsu was mums brother, right? So therefore she doesn't love you as much because she knows you are the reason why he died.' She said, her eyes watering, she didn't want to say it, I know she didn't and so I know it's true.

'I'm going.' I say, grabbing my bag and stuffing things in it like food and money and clothes. I can't believe I'm doing this...

I grab a piece of paper and a pen and start to write

Dear Mum and Dad,

I've run away because I know you don't love me anymore. I know it's because of what I did to Natsu, I'm ever so sorry that I did that, I wanted to prove to you that I knew better and that I can earn new powers and the day I earn healing is the day I'll use it on Natsu.

From Winter xx

I wipe my eyes, grab my bag and run out of the house, Summer runs after me but I carry on running, my legs hurting my eyes watering as the wind hits them and I stop to a jolt seeing Beatrice I run up to her

'Beatrice! Beatrice!' I call out and she smiles as she sees me

'Hello, Winter,' she smiles and walks towards me 'Wait... What's wrong?' She asks, knowing I'm panicked

'Tell Summer that I'm going to William's house. Not running away! I can't let her know!' I say and run off.

'Okay!' She replies and I feel something hit me, that's when all goes black...


I wake up and there's wires covering my arms and I'm wearing some sort of dress, I see two girls, they look like my age. One of them have Red hair and baby blue eyes, the other one has pink hair and purple eyes.

'Who are you? Where am I? What happened?' I ask and the girl with red eyes gasps

'I'm Beatrice and this is your sister, Summer. You're twins. Not identical though.' The girl with pink hair says.

'Girls, could you give us some alone time?' The person in a white outfit asks and they nod, but the red haired girl hesitates.

'You may stay, Summer.' The person in white says and she nods again, sitting back down.

'Do you know you're name?' The person says

'Uhhh Mia?' I ask and the person and White shakes his head

'She was hit hard. That car definitely had its power, eh?'  The person in white says

'Get to the business doc.' Summer says

'Right. Do you know who this is?' He asks and I shake my head

'Only her name.' I state, giving an apologetic look to the girl, she looked shocked.

'I know my parents, Gray and Emma Fullbuster. I also remember I had too sisters, Lilly and Tilly.' I say, looking the doctor in the eye.

'But you don't remember Summer?' He asks

'No, sir. I have no memories of her.' I say and I hear her sob quietly

'Summer, I'm sorry, can you wait outside.' The guy said and she nodded, walking out the door

'May you tell me what happened?' I ask

'Why of course. As you were running you were hit by a car, the driver however was Mrs. Miles, the parent of your friend, if you remember.' He says

'Miles...? I have no recollection of that last name.' I say and he nods

'My suspicions were correct, you have amnesia,' he says and I stare in disbelief

'There must be some kind of misunderstanding, I can't have, I remember my parents!' I say and he nods

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