The Dream

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"Summer! Summer! It's our birthday!" I squealed, making my throat hurt afterwards but it was worth it.
"More of a reason to be able to sleep! I need my beauty, unlike you. You're already beautiful!" She groaned, I blushed at the whole "you're already beautiful" part but then I remembered "I need my beauty,". I picked her up off of her bed and dragged her to the mirror and put her in front of it.

"You're perfect just the way you are," I smiled, seeing my little brother in the background with a sling-shot and a rock, he placed in the rock and flicked it into the mirror, causing it to crack.

"You really think a mirror-breaking, ugly rat like her is perfect? Hah! That's a lie!" Peter mocked and then ran into his room, Summer fell to the floor crying.
"I told you sis, I'm ugly." She cried, I called mum over and told her what happened, mum and I comforted Summer so that she would be happy again, it was her birthday after all.

"Thanks guys," she smiled, me and mum went to grab her presents and then they did the same with mine, my dad had taken my brothers out for a "walk in the woods" although I felt like it'll be "hell in the woods" for dad.

"Okay, both of you smile, I want a picture!" Mum said, her camera in hand and smiling into the camera.
"Mama, nooooo!" I yelled I hated having my picture taken. I still do.
"Too late," Mum chuckled "time to open your presents!" Mum smiled and she handed us our bags of gifts.
I got make-up, art supplies and necklaces. Summer had gotten headphones, make-up and bracelets.

"Yay!" We both smiled and went out into the garden. Mother called me so I went inside, it was Natsu, I was so happy! I hadn't seen him in ages.


"Wanna go play?" He asked and I giggled
"Pway! Pway!" I giggled, I looked up at my 25 year old uncle and we went out to the field near my school.

"Wanna play? I wanna play football again!" I giggled, Natsu grabbed his football
"Sure!" He smiled and we happily played football for a while, he and I started walking home.

As I was crossing I felt like I was being shoved, when I looked around for Natsu... He was on the road, his eyes were as pure as snow, his hand was pointing up to Heaven. It was a nightmare come true for me that day.

"Natsu... Natsu!" I yelled, shaking him to hopefully wake him, it didn't work. I screamed and screamed until the police or paramedics got there. I was taken back home and ignored until I was 13.

I wake up screaming, Summer at my side.
"What happened? Was it that nightmare again?" She asks
"Y-yeah..." I sigh and Natsu runs into the room
"You okay? Need anything? I heard screaming! Was Juvia here or something?" He asks, worry clear in his voice.
"No, just a nightmare, no biggie. It's just that one birthday, it replays in my mind as if it were on one hour mode." I sigh and he nods.
"I see," he smiles and I fall back to sleep.

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