Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 11)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Eleven

Just as everyone suspected Abigail was the talk of the WWE Universe on social media. The next week on Raw, Abigail would have time to introduce herself to the WWE Universe. She still came down to the ring with the rest of The Wyatt Family and Bray started the promo.

"It is so good to see you again, we've missed you for all the many years you've been gone. You died a horrible, tragic death... Your life cut short, ended before it really had a chance to begin. Somehow I knew... I knew the you weren't really gone. I've always felt your spirit with me and I always believed that one day you would be walking with us again. Now here you are, you have finally decided to reveal yourself to the world. This is your time... Speak whatever is on your mind."

Bray handed the mic to Abigail as the whole crowd went silent to listen to what she had to say.

"I am the one... I am the one that all of you have heard about. I am Sister Abigail... I know what you're thinking... Shouldn't she be older? There are things that even I don't understand. What I'm about to tell you is something that happened in my past life. Bray and I... We grew up together, I was five years older than him at the time, I took care of him. Our mothers had passed away when Bray was very young, and our father... He wasn't exactly the most loving and caring father in the world. That's where I came in... I was always Bray's big sister, but honestly, I felt more like a mother to him. As for Luke Harper, we were best friends, we told each other everything. I always promised Luke I would never tell his secrets and I kept my word. I was the only person Luke trusted. Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman, they were also my best friends, no... Brothers more like. But Luke and I... We were always very close. Now comes the hard part... It was about fifteen years ago now... I made a mistake, and it cost me my life. There was a guy that was several years older than me. I was in high school, and this guy was in college. We would have arguments, and I would come to Luke for advice. He told me once that the guy I was with was no good for me, but I didn't want to believe him. The guy picked me up, he was drunk, and he actually became very violent with me. I wish I would have listened to Luke because the guy I was with didn't love or care about me, and only wanted me around for his own selfish desires. I tried to tell him no and fight him, but he was stronger than me. He had his way with me... And killed me. That was fifteen years ago... I don't know why or how, but somehow my soul found its way to another body. It seems that I have unfinished business on this earth, and I have yet to find out what that unfinished business is. Perhaps it is to walk along side Bray and The Wyatt Family, whatever it may be, Sister Abigail is here to stay."

The crowd cheered her, just off of this story, the crowd could tell that she was very much like Bray. She could keep a crowd's attention with her words. The crowd was very accepting of her, it really did seem like she belonged with them. The people she grew up with that she thought were her family were WWE fans and her brother pointed her out on TV.

"Mom, Dad... You're not going to believe this... Carlie is in the ring with Bray."

They went to look at the TV and sure enough, they saw her on TV. Her mom was confused.

"How is this possible? She is supposed to be in Dallas at the mental hospital."

"She was saying things like she felt connected to Bray somehow. Maybe she is."

"Or maybe... This Bray guy is crazier than she is and took her from the mental hospital. He's using her mental illness to his advantage. It's his fault she was there, he was the one putting all of these ideas in her head. Now she is with him... This won't do at all, he's only making it worse for her. When we get her back, we need to make sure that Bray doesn't come near her again."

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