Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 14)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Fourteen

Bray had been driving for several hours and finally made it to The Wyatt Family home. Luke woke up somehow knowing that they made it home. As he woke up he remembered that Abigail had fallen asleep next to him. A feeling of peace came over him as she slept next to him. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. Abigail woke up once she felt movement next to her. She opened her eyes and realized that it was Luke beside her. She quickly let go of him blushing, and sat up on her side of the car. Then she realized that they were home.

"Oh... Sorry. I must have fallen asleep."

"It's fine... We're home now."

Luke got out of the car, grabbed his stuff from the trunk and made his way up to his room. Abigail took her stuff in her room, she would unpack later. She was going to talk to Luke. She went down the hall to his room, she changed her mind as his door was closed. He was probably tired and she didn't want to bother him. Bray had come up the stairs and Abigail decided to talk to him.

"Hey Bray... Sorry I fell asleep. I could have drove for a few hours."

"It's no problem Abby. I don't mind a nice drive through the countryside."

Abigail was quiet for a moment and looked back down the hallway towards Luke's room. Bray could tell that there was something on her mind.

"What's troubling you Abigail?"

"I just have a lot on my mind... I'm still a little freaked out by what Ambrose tried to do... Ever since I came back here... Luke keeping giving mixed signals... One minute he doesn't believe that I am who I say I am. Then the next thing I know... We're ALMOST talking like old friends. I don't know what happened, but at some point it seemed like I had upset Luke somehow and acts like he doesn't care about me. Yet, with what happened with Ambrose... Luke was the first one that showed up to help me. I'm just really confused about Luke."

"It's hard for anyone to understand Luke... Even I don't understand Luke, it's like there is something he doesn't want the world to know. I guess only the people that really mean something to him can know what's on his mind. I believe that... Even though he doesn't always show it... He cares for you Abigail... Probably more than you think."

Abigail looked back towards Luke's room again.

"Give him time Abigail. He's been affected by all of this too."

Abigail really wanted to talk to Luke, but decided that Bray was probably right and that she should just give him time and space. Abigail walked down the stairs and she saw Erick and Braun coming in. They must have arrived not much later. She smiled and hugged them both.

"Hey guys... I wanted to say thank you for showing up when you did. If you and Luke hadn't of shown up... I might not be here right now."

"No problem... We were just looking after you... Families look out for each other. How is Luke?"

"I don't know... He still isn't talking to me much. I'm still a bit confused... He gives me the feeling that he wants nothing to do with me, but he must care a little bit if he would show up to help me right?"

"A little bit? Did you see what he did to Ambrose? He completely destroyed him... He slammed Ambrose through a ladder... He put that boy through hell... For you... He cares... Trust me."

That was all Erick said as he and Braun went to their own rooms to unpack. This left Abigail thinking... Even though he didn't say much, the old saying, actions speak louder than words held truth to it. She decided that she would unpack later, someone had to fix supper, she had slept a good bit before they arrived and thought that everyone else was busy, so she would be the one to fix supper. Later on, everyone was eating and enjoying the meal Abigail prepared, Luke had finished and was going to go on his usual walk through the woods. Luke went out the door, Abigail looked at Bray, still concerned about Luke.

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