Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 17)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Seventeen

The next mornimg Abigal woke up to footsteps going down the stairs. She opened her door and followed the footsteps. Once the footsteps stopped, Abigail realized that she had been following Erick Rowan. Erick turned around, he heard someone following him. Abigail spoke to him first?

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I usually always wake up early, don't know why, I just do. Also, Luke is usually the one that cooks breakfast around here, since he left, I guess I should step up."

It was quiet in the kitchen, Abigail grew quiet and looked at the floor once he mentioned Luke. The events from the day before came back to her. Luke had finally told Bray about how he felt responsible for her death and things didn't go the way she thought they would. Instead of being understanding, Bray blamed Luke, he had kept it a secret from him for fifteen years. Things had changed about Bray since her death, this could have also been because of the lack of control he had growing up. Now Bray walked around thinking he was the king of the universe. It wasn't really arrogance, it just seemed like Bray liked for things to be under his control. Erick and Braun always did the yard work on the outside of the house, Luke had always prepared the meals.

They had always listened to Bray because he let them stay with him. In a way, Erick and Braun feared Bray because if they upset him, they were afraid they would be sent on their way. Now things could be different since they were all in WWE, they only stayed because they were used to the way things were. Abigail wondered what Luke did for the night, he said he was making money with WWE now and could get his own place, but she was worried about him because she didn't think he could do it overnight. Abigail wasn't really mad with Bray, just sad that he sent Luke away. Bray didn't see what she saw, she didn't see the pain in his eyes when he told her. Abigail wanted to help Luke feel happiness again, she had kissed him because she knew how happy that had made him as a kid. After that, she had to look deep into his eyes, but she could see signs of the old Luke. Now Erick spoke to her.

"I know you may be upset, but I don't really know what happened yesterday. All I know is something isn't right because Luke left the house on his own, then I heard you shouting at Bray. I know that we're not as close as you and Luke, but I'd still like to try to help. What happened yesterday?"

"Well... Somethings have changed over the past few days. I actually followed Luke to his secret place one night, at first he was upset about it. We still weren't really talking that much at the time because I still think he was upset with me. He was upset because he saw Ambrose kiss me, but there is something he's been keeping from everyone for fifteen years, and Bray wasn't really happy about it. He doesn't like it when people keep secrets from him, or when he feels like he is being lied to. So... What I found out from Luke is, the reason why he goes off on his own is so his thoughts don't become words spoken, he's hid a secret from the world for fifteen years. That secret is, that he's felt responsible for my death because of that fight we had. I told him that I never blamed him for my death, but once Luke told Bray, he freaked out. He doesn't seem to think the same thing. I tried to calm things between them, but Bray wanted him gone and Luke decided to leave because he thought things would only get worse if he stayed."

"Well... Bray never told us how you died. Was Luke part of it?"

"No... We had a fight, but I should have listened to him that night. He told me that the guy I was with was no good for me. It would have happened sooner or later, not just the night Luke and I had a fight. So I was upset with Luke, and Mike picked me up. Things went a little too far that night. He raped and killed me. Luke blames himself for my death, and it breaks my heart because it wasn't Luke's fault at all."

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