Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 26)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty Six

Bray and the others were so relieved when they finally got out of the woods and back to their hotel. There was no doubt in Bray's mind that Dean would have killed Tyler as soon as he thought he was far enough away from the hotel. All the respect Bray had for Dean was lost once he knew for sure Dean killed Tyler's mother, then he threatened Tyler's life. Bray knew he had no choice but to put the trigger and kill Dean after he killed Luke. Tyler had witnessed Dean killing Luke and Bray killing Dean. It's not something a young boy should see, it would probably be something that would scar him mentally. Luke had always been a part of the family, but was even more now that he was involved with Abigail and had a baby on the way. Luckily, Bray acted quick and was able to save Luke, he knew Abigail would need him. Tyler was now officially a part of the family. Tyler gave Bray's life purpose, he was Bray's light and hope. He needed Tyler as much as Tyler needed him. Abigail and Luke walked hand in hand as they returned to the hotel, Bray gave them a moment alone as he talked to Tyler.

"Let's give them a moment alone Tyler. We need to talk, so let's go into the other room."

Bray and Tyler left as Luke and Abigail were left alone. Abigail hugged him as soon as they were alone. She couldn't help herself and a few tears fell.

"I was so scared... I thought I lost you."

"You can thank your brother for bringing me back. I had to go for years of guilt and pain thinking I was responsible for your death."

"Luke... we've been through this."

"I know... I'm over it now... what I can't believe... is while I was dying you decide to tell me that you were pregnant... If I wasn't dying... just when were you going to tell me?"

"I didn't find out until today... I was going to tell you sooner, but there was that whole situation with Tyler... I wasn't trying to keep it from you... I just didn't know what you or anyone else would think when you found out... I just don't know if I'm good enough to be a mother... I guess I was just so afraid that you..."

"Would leave you or not love you anymore. That's never going to happen... thanks to your brother, I cheated death, and now there is a part of me inside of you. I love you Abigail, I'm not going anywhere."

Abigail wiped away the last of her tears, smiled at him, and kissed him. It was only a brief kiss as Luke pulled away for a moment.

"Just for the record... you'll be the perfect mother."

Abigail giggled a little and then kissed him again. In the other room, Bray was talking to Tyler.

"Tyler... I wanted to apologize... for every bit of pain Dean has caused you. I also wanted to apologize for making you feel unwanted. The weird thing is... I think you need me just about as much as I need you. You've been through a lot over the last few weeks. Talk to me... I know there's something on your mind."

Tyler was quiet for a minute, he had a lot on his mind and wasn't really sure where to start.

"I still miss my mom."

"I know... What you should always remember is she loved you... she died trying to protect you."

Tyler started crying as he thought about this.

"Why did he do it?... Why did he kill my mom?"

Bray took him in his arms as he cried.

"There are bad people in this world that find enjoyment in other people's suffering... That's what Dean did..."

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