Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 23)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty Three

It had been two days since Bray brought Tyler to The Wyatt Compound, he couldn't tell if Tyler liked it there or not, but he told Tyler that they all worked for WWE and that they traveled a lot. Tyler wasn't sure what WWE was, but was curious to find out.

"Bray... Will you show me what you do in WWE?"

Bray wasn't sure because his character was a dark, mysterious character.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea... I'm not sure if your mother would have wanted you exposed to WWE. It can get pretty violent, and terrifying at times."

"Please?... I really want to know. Please?"

Bray thought about it again, there were kids every week that watched, people would bring their kids to a WWE event to cheer for their favorite superstar. He decided that one night couldn't hurt.

"I suppose just letting you see what it's like couldn't hurt. Just thought I'd warn you, I can't promise you that you will like what you see."

Bray also knew that with everything that had been going on, he would need to make sure that Tyler was safe. They all packed what they needed and hit the road, they were on the road for about four hours. Tyler was amazed when they got to the arena. At the time, the arena was empty other than a few other Superstars that were already there, fans would come in later. Bray decided that it would be best for Tyler to stay at the commentary table while they were busy in the ring, Bray had Luke watch over Tyler, and wait outside of the Women's locker room to make sure that Abigail was ok. Once Bray changed, and Abigail was done, they all met up and waited for their time to enter. Before their music hit, Bray talked to Tyler.

"So Tyler... You're not afraid of the dark are you?"

"Um... Maybe a little."

"I just thought that you should know that when we enter it starts off dark, but we are surrounded by the lantern's light. As we walk to the ring, people hold up their cell phone lights. I never understood why they do this, but everywhere we go, everyone always hold up their cell phone lights. They call themselves the fireflies. I want you to stay close to me as we go out there, do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Once we're out there, I will lead you to a table, it's referred to as the commentary table, all that happens there is a few men talk about what is going on in the ring. You are to sit still there until I come back over to get you. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

Bray smiled at this, pat Tyler on the back and that was when the lights went out in the arena. Bray said one more thing tonTyler before they went out.

"Here we go, remember to stay close to me."

Bray's music hit and they all slowly made their way out to the ring. Tyler was kind of scared at first at the dark, but it didn't stay dark long. He soon became fascinated with the lantern's light, and the cell phone lights moving back and forth in the air. They were waving their light around to the music. He still followed Bray as he led Tyler to the commentary table. Bray told for Tyler to sit in a chair and not to move until he came back to get him. Tyler sat down and did what he was told. Many people were curious as to why Tyler came out with them. He sat in awe for a little while longer in the dark as he watched the lights around him, and watched Bray enter the ring and blow out his lantern. Then the lights came back on and Roman Reigns' music started playing as he was met with a mix of cheers and boos. The announcer then announced that the rest of The Wyatt Family was banned from ringside so that the match between Bray and Roman remained one on one.

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