Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 22)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty Two

Luke woke up confused as to where he was, he woke up and felt something on his chest. It was Abigail, the events from the previous night returned to him, he had told her that he loved her. She kissed him and things got heated pretty quick. It was then that he realized that they did more than kiss, they had made love to each other and fell asleep by the lake in the grass. He woke up to the morning sun coming up over the horizon. He didn't move much, but the little bit of movement he did woke up Abigail. She looked up at Luke and saw that he was awake. It was then that she realized that they were out all night and panic set in. What would Bray think if he found out what happened between them? This thought was on Luke's mind too, what would Bray say or do if he found out that he had slept with his sister? Abigail looked up at Luke and spoke to him.

"Luke... We stayed out all night... And we slept together."

He stayed quiet, he didn't know what to say. Panic started to set in as Abigail grabbed their clothes.

"I can't believe we went that far! We stayed out all night and slept together! We need to get back to the house now! Surely by now Bray knows that something is up."

As far as Luke knew, no one else knew about his get away place so he was starting to wonder if she regret what happened. They finished getting dressed and Luke looked at her.

"Are you ashamed of me?..."

Abigail looked at him confused.


"Are you ashamed of me?..."

"No... Why would I..."

"Because I told you that I loved you last night, and now you act like you're ashamed of me or that you regret what happened between us."

"No... It's not like that at all... I'm not ashamed of you... I love you Luke."

Abigail was surprised at what she said because she had never said it before. She thought she was in love in her past life, but never knew what love really felt like until she gave her heart, body, and soul to Luke. She was just worried about what Bray would do if he found out. She felt guilty because she grew up in a family that believed that you're supposed to be married before you had sex. The difference in her past life is that she was raped before she was killed, this time it just happened.

"I'm just scared... In my past life I was raped, but this time I didn't stop it... I just let it happen. I'm worried about what Bray will think if he finds out. I shouldn't be worried about what Bray thinks... I'm a grown woman, I still feel guilty though, I grew up in a family that believed in marriage before sex. What do we do now?"

"It's ok... No matter what happens from here, we'll get through this... Together."

Abigail looked at him and smiled. Other times she would be around to tell him what he needed to hear, but now here he was being loving and supportive of her. He put his arm around her as they started walking back to the house. They knew they would have to face Bray, but they were going to do it together. Once they got back to the house, Erick and Braun were awake, but they noticed that Bray's car was not in the drive way. He woke up early before anyone else, he just assumed that everyone else was still asleep and didn't think any about Luke and Abigail still being out. He didn't know why, but something woke him up early. He didn't feel like fixing breakfast so he decided to go out and get breakfast. This was when Bray stumbled upon a car on the side of the road. He then discovered the bloody scene of the woman's body ripped open and stopped his car. This wasn't the only thing, he spotted a scared little boy on the inside of a car. As he came closer to the car, he realized that it was a wolf that attacked the woman. He tried to open the car and realized that it was locked, the mother must have been trying to protect the boy, but now the temperature was rising and Bray knew that he needed to get the boy out of the car before it got too hot. He broke the window and unlocked the door, the boy screamed as this happened. The boy must not have known what happened because he screamed for his mother. Bray talked slow to try to calm the boy down.

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