Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 29)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty Nine

A few months had passed since the accident, Abigail had healed physically, but still not mentally or emotionally. She didn't want anyone to know that she was still hurting inside. When Luke would ask her if anything was bothering her, she would fake a smile and tell him that she was just tired. Luke and Abigail started traveling with Bray again, Luke had not sat behind the wheel since the accident. Whether it was his fault or not, Luke still didn't want to risk putting Abigail's life at risk, he didn't want to blame himself if anything else happened to her. Bray understood and had no problem driving them. Tyler had come to love WWE, and learned from his past mistake not to get involved in Bray's match, not because he could cause Bray to lose, but because Bray was concerned for Tyler's safety. At times Bray would get nervous when people would talk about Dean Ambrose. Everyone thought he just disappeared off the face of the earth. They didn't know that Dean Ambrose had a more dangerous side to him outside of the ring. He could never tell anyone how he had ended Dean's life. What other choice did he have? Dean attacked them and almost killed Luke. Sometimes you have to protect your family no matter what the cost. Luke had thoughts of marrying Abigail soon, but would Abigail ever get over the pain she was feeling? Bray had Tyler wait with Luke as he took her aside. Maybe Luke couldn't see what was going on, but Bray knew these things. He was really good at figuring out when someone was hiding something.

"You haven't really been talking to Luke, me or anyone. You've grown more quiet. I know it's not just because you're tired... you're hiding something inside."

Abigail sighed as she held back the tears. She would still sometimes cry over losing the baby when no one was around.

"It's just... been so hard Bray... I look at Luke, I love him, and I see the way he looks at me. He loves me, but if he's planning on marrying me, I just don't know if I can handle it... He wants a family from me. What if I can't give him that? I... don't know if I will ever be able to move on from this... We would have had a little girl... I would have been eight months pregnant this month... I don't know how Luke felt about it, he seemed so unsure, but... I really wanted to be a mother."

Abigail finally cried now as Bray hugged her.

"You still can be one day, but right now, I would focus more on healing. You know... it took Luke fifteen years to heal from grieving you. He still wasn't sure if you were really you when you came back. He blamed himself all those years ago over your death. I missed you too... you are my sister, but honestly, after mom died, you took care of me growing up the way a mother would care for her child. Luke seemed to take it harder than I did... I believe he loved you even back then... he had tried committing suicide a few times."

Abigail was shocked at this.

"I never knew that... he's never told me."

"I've been there to help him as much as I could, I would sometimes wonder where he would take off to, but he always took my lantern with him and promised that he would return."

"He would always take a walk. I followed him... it was his place to think, but now... it's become our spot."

"Just imagine... how much harder it would have been on him if he would lost the baby, and lost you again. He probably doesn't show it because he wants to be strong for both of you, but losing the baby has surely taken its toll on him too."

She became quiet again as she thought for a moment. She still couldn't believe Luke had tried committing suicide.

"I know I'm still hurting right now, but maybe one day Luke and I could try again. I really need to talk to him... I hate pretending that everything is ok when it's not."

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