Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 27)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty Seven

First things first, I think everyone should watch this promo in case you haven't already. My last chapter really fit in with this promo.


Luke was sitting by Abigail's hospital bed, he had already found out from the doctor that the baby would have been a girl and that she died. Now there was a chance that he could lose Abigail again. He sat by her bed sobbing as Bray came in.

"How is she?"

Luke had to stop himself from crying, he was sure Bray saw it as a sign of weakness. He stood up and wiped his tears away. He swallowed and took in a breath before he gave his response.

"Not well."

"How did this happen?"

"We were in an accident... It was a drunk driver... they ran a stoplight and hit on Abigail's side..."

Luke couldn't hold it in anymore and his tears returned.

"It should have been me Bray... it should have hit me instead. I should be the one in that hospital bed..."

Bray came over and hugged Luke.

"The baby... she's gone..."

Luke remembered how Bray brought him back, he wondered if Bray could bring her back.

"Can you bring her back?"

"I wish I could, but this is out of my hands. The child was unborn... there is nothing I can do... I'm sorry brother."

Luke looked up as if he was looking for answers. He was never really a religious man.

"I still don't know if I believe in what you believe in... If there is a God... Why is he punishing me?... There's a chance that I could lose everything... I've already lost what would have been my baby girl... Now there's a chance I could lose Abigail again... I can't... not again... Things were finally turning around for me... now I could lose everything... Why is God punishing me?"

"So you admit there is a God...Life isn't easy... things happen that we can't control... I know you're hurting... you're questioning God... maybe even blaming God for what happened. When I first lost Abigail I was hurting too. She took care of me, she became more like a mother than a sister to me, I just wanted to return the favor somehow, to thank her for taking care of me when I was growing up. You... blamed yourself for her death the first time, but you had nothing to do with it. Now... her life is at risk again, but this isn't your fault either. Don't go blaming yourself for this, and don't go blaming God either. He can do great things... if you choose in your heart to trust and believe in him, just pray to him and we'll see what he can do. He can do what he wants, but what you need to understand is... The Lord gives and The Lord takes away. Either way, to his name be praised. It is important to cherish every moment you spend with her, we never know how long we have on this earth."

Luke thought about that, but had a question on his mind.

"Do you think... God is punishing me because Abigail and I aren't married?"

"I don't really have an answer for that, but if you believe you have sinned against him, then you can pray for forgiveness and pray for healing."

"Well... I've never done this before. I'm new to this spiritual stuff..."

"We all are at some point, but you are not alone... All we can do, is let go... pray and leave all our troubles in God's hands."

Luke nodded like he finally understood.

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