Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 21)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Twenty One

Abigail tried to calm her mind as Luke held her and Bray drove. As far as she knew, Dean never knew where they lived, but he was there when she died. How long had he been following her? It made sense to Bray, their ancestors had cursed Dean and turned him into a werewolf. He realized now that he needed to watch over Abigail or he would lose her again. What did Luke know about the situation? He didn't understand things that were not of the earth. He didn't really believe in life after death, but now believes that Abigail is living again. Dean had been in search of their descendants for three generations. He had avoided Bray because he was sure that the Voodoo was passed down to him. Abigail had been gone for fifteen years and her soul was in the body of someone else. He had been watching Abigail for years, she showed no signs of knowing Voodoo. He knew that if he wanted to get revenge on the family, Abigail would be the perfect target.

Now he was out for revenge, he was out for blood from one of their Voodoo ancestors. He could smell her fear before she left, but she ran off as he was transforming. He knew he couldn't risk going back in the building because anyone could have been carrying a gun, a crucifix, or some kind of silver. He instead just enjoyed the feeling of causing her fear. He could smell her scent of fear for about fifteen minutes until either she wasn't scared anymore, or she left for the next town. Instead of bringing them to the next town, Bray brought them back home for the night, they still had a few days before they needed to be at the next town. They needed to regroup and come up with how to deal with Dean if they came across him in his werewolf form.

Dean was already hard to deal with in human form, but would probably be close to impossible to beat without killing him in his werewolf form. Bray had special silver bullets just in case. He had went hunting before, but Dean wasn't a normal animal. He was someone that he worked with in the ring. If Dean tried attacking his family in werewolf form, Bray would do whatever it takes to protect his family, but he hoped that there would be a way of doing it without killing Dean. Bray knew that Luke cared for Abigail and promised to protect her, but he wanted to know how he would do that. So the next day as Abigail was cleaning a little on the inside of the house and the men were on the outside doing work, Bray came up to Luke.

"Luke... I need to speak with you."

Erick and Braun looked at them, then at each other before they continued their work. Luke stopped what he was doing and followed Bray. Abigail was cleaning windows and saw that Luke was walking off with Bray. This kind of concerned her because the last time they went off alone Luke and Bray got into a bad argument and Abigail was right in the middle of it. She watched from the window, but couldn't quite figure out what was being said. If things looked like they were getting out of control she would go down there and try to calm them down. Bray wanted to talk to Luke man to man.

"Luke... I wanted to talk to you about Abigail and what happened last night. She said that she felt like she was out of control and that she was being led back to the place of her death. This had something to do with the full moon as well. Then, from what I understand, Dean Ambrose is the one that my family cursed with a werewolf spell. I'm sure all of this sounds ridiculous to you, but it makes perfect sense that Dean would target Abigail. She was never exposed to Voodoo, neither was I because the last three generations of our family was sworn against it on my father's side. I don't practice Voodoo, but I've studied it and other supernatural things. You may not believe the things I believe in like life after death, but I need to ask you one important question... How do you plan on protecting my sister from Dean? He's already difficult to deal with in human form, but is much stronger in his werewolf form."

"Bray... You obviously forget who you're talking to. You know I care for Abigail. I would do anything for her. No matter what it takes, as long as she's safe... I would die for her."

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